Believe it or not, it’s the 10th anniversary of 9/11. We’ve honored those lost on that tragic day every year since 2001 and knew this milestone was coming but it still feels like it came too quickly. It feels like it all happened yesterday and yet it also feels like a lifetime ago because we …
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NBA star, Robert Horry, shared a touching open letter to his daughter Ashlyn who passed away on 6/14/2011 far too young at 17 due to a rare genetic disorder called 1p36 Deletion Syndrome. The NBA legend is famous for his late game heroics on the court but here he shares an even more incredible display …
Continue reading A Father’s Open Letter to His DaughterHere’s an excellent special from Chris Cuomo that aired on 20/20 recently about children diagnosed with Williams Syndrome which is a rare genetic disorder that affects one in 7,500 newborns. One of the tell-tale signs is an enormously friendly and outgoing personality. While this is sweet and wonderful in most situations, it can become very …
Continue reading Friendly to the Extreme?In this week’s installment of The Real Deal, we cover DSK. Here’s a brief overview first: Who is DSK: For more information, you can follow @realdealtv on Twitter as well as @ChrisCuomo and @Dad_O_Matic.
Continue reading Real Deal: Who is DSK?I know we’re called Dad-O-Matic and our reason for being is to be a platform for dads by dads but our primary focus is actually on our children and our families. This news item sure brings home the message loud and clear. I doubt anyone can watch this and not be moved as I was. …
Continue reading Coming HomeThe kids from “Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” reunited on the Today Show for the 40th anniversary of the film classic. Check out Charlie Bucket, Violet Beauregarde, Augustus Gloop, Veruca Salt & Mike TV as they look now all these years later. Noticeably absent is their ring leader, Gene Wilder and Grandpa Charlie who …
Continue reading 40th Anniversary Reunion for Willie Wonka and The Chocolate FactoryWhat a moving story this is. 9 year-old sister sacrifices everything to save her 5 year-old little sister by pushing her out of the way of a speeding truck and gets hit herself. She survived by suffered tremendous injuries such as a broken neck and lost a kidney and one of her legs. She is …
Continue reading Big Sister Saves Little Sister’s LifeHere’s a list of the most popular posts for 2009. Ironically, even though we’re the number one Daddy Blog with over 80 fathers writing for us, our top two posts were from women! This only proves that our new feature called The Better Half has been a total success. It gives the women in our …
Continue reading Most Popular Posts of 2009 on Dad-O-MaticJust like a proud papa, we are over-joyed to announce a new member to the Dad-O-Matic family! Please welcome the one and only, Gary Vaynerchuk from WineLibrary TV! He’s not only a successful business owner in the wine industry and wildly popular in the social media arena, but he’s also a successful author of a …
Continue reading New Addition to the Dad-O-Matic Family: Gary Vaynerchuk!Sunday was National GrandParents Day. It was started in 1978 so this little known holiday has been around for over 30 years. Even though we’re called Dad-O-Matic and focus primarily on dad stuff but we all understand and appreciate the priceless contributions that grandparents make to our families. We also know that, God willing, we …
Continue reading National GrandParents Day!I spoke to Chris Cuomo from ABC’s Good Morning America recently on behalf of Dad-O-matic. We talked about the Liam McCarty case. He’s the boy that was illegally taken by his mother to Italy, where he is supposedly living in an orphanage as a ward of the state, after his mother, Manuela Antonelli, was ruled …
Continue reading A Father’s Desperate Search for His SonWe are proud to announce a new member of the Dad-O-matic team, none other than Good Morning, America’s anchorman, Chris Cuomo! I first ran across Chris on twitter after some very strong recommendations to do so from my wife who said he was a very devoted dad like our guys on here. So I checked …
Continue reading Please Welcome New Addition to the Dad-O-matic Family: Chris CuomoThanks to everyone that entered the first Dad-o-matic giveaway which featured Flowers from ProFlowers. All of the entries were dropped into a hat and the following five names were pulled out randomly. The winners will need to contact me before midnight Tuesday night to claim their prize ( Pa*****@Da*******.com ). In the event that a …
Continue reading Winners of the ProFlowers Giveaway!The Bush twins wrote a beautiful letter for the Obama girls filled with wonderful advice on how to make the most of their childhood in the Whitehouse and most of all to always remember who their dad really is. Right now everything is incredibly positive and everyone loves their daddy but there will be rough …
Continue reading Still Just a DadThe dads from Dad-o-Matic want to wish everyone and their loved ones a Happy Thanksgiving! With all the tough times going on right now, we should all be extra thankful for all the blessings in our lives. Let’s also do what we can to help others this time of year as well as throughout the …
Continue reading Happy Thanksgiving from Dad-o-Matic