This is a post I wrote on my own blog a few months back. I thought it would fit nicely here with the dadomatic community. If you have children and you let them play on social media websites, or are wondering what to do because your child is asking for a Facebook/Twitter/Google Plus account, this is my approach/opinion. There is no right or wrong way to approach social media with children. I think teaching them to follow the rules is what is important.
Well, we (my wife and I) decided to let our oldest daughter have a Facebook account. She’s fourteen now. Facebook “rules” state children must be at least thirteen. I have seen many parents circumvent that rule and let their children younger than thirteen have an account. I’m not sure what use it is to a six, seven, ten or even twelve year old. Personally, I think doing that teaches children to disrespect the rules, and authority. It tells children it’s okay to break the rules when it suits you. If you are one of those parents, don’t be surprised when they break YOUR rules. You have set the precedent.
One feature that Facebook and Google Plus have is “list” (Facebook) or “circles” (G+) where you can place your friends, family or other connections. People will only see the content posted to the list or circle you placed them in, and people don’t know what list they have been placed in. Please use the list/circle feature with your friends and please put minors on a G-rated content list, meaning that what YOU post to that list is G-Rated. And I did say G-Rated because PG means Parental Guidance, and it is just not rational to expect parents to sit right next to their children during their Facebook time all the time.
If you need help learning how to use the “list” function, I am happy to explain. You can connect with me through my website at www.charlieprofit.com
About me: I am a talk show host and entrepreneur. I can host your website and help with your social media strategy (www.cabradio.com). I have been happily married since 1997 and am father to five wonderful children. Here is the original post on my website:
- Are You Old Enough For Facebook? (charlieprofit.com)
You cannot be too careful when it come to protecting your children on the internet. A parent should be in total control of a childs social media’s account, passwords, username, friend lists, … the whole enchilada. Your child may resent you for doing this, but remember, you are the parent. You want to protect them from predators. Period. After all, it’s your job to make sure your child makes it to adulthood safe and sound. For more thoughts about dads and children, check out http://www.daddyhood101.com.