
We are proud to announce a new member of the Dad-O-matic team, none other than Good Morning, America’s anchorman, Chris Cuomo! I first ran across Chris on twitter after some very strong recommendations to do so from my wife who said he was a very devoted dad like our guys on here. So I checked out his tweets and sure enough the very first thing I see him sharing is how he and his daughter Bella know all the words to the movie “Finding Nemo”. I then shared a post I had written for Dad-O-matic, ironically enough, about “Finding Nemo“ Lessons Learned from Finding Nemo

Much to my surprise, Chris replied and we began to communicate on Twitter as proud dads and loving husbands. I also learned that there was much more to the reserved anchorman we all see on television. He’s actually a regular guy who enjoys the same things we all do such as fishing, sports (He’s a big Cavs fan) and doing handyman work around the house.

I was thrilled when he told me that he had checked out Dad-O-matic and said he liked what we were doing. Ultimately, I got the crazy idea (and a lot of nerve) to ask Chris if he would ever consider contributing some of his experiences as a dad in a high-profile position with our readers. Once again, he shocked me by agreeing to join our daddy club! We look forward to sharing Chris Cuomo’s sweet and funny stories about his beloved Bella and little Mario.

Here’s a taste of what’s to come. This is the wonderful abc_gma_hot_two_081120_mnFather’s Day tribute to Chris on GMA in front of a national audience from his children thanks to his wife Cristina who coached them well. Bella and little Mario sure know how to tug at the heart strings! My favorite parts are when Bella says she enjoys her daddy’s company very much and when Mario says his dad is his best friend. I don’t know how Chris managed to maintain such composure. I know I would’ve melted into a great big ball of mush but then again I’m not a big time anchorman. 🙂

If that didn’t get to you, then you must check this out. Here’s Chris on “GMA’s The Hot Seat where he shares some very open and honest feelings about his children. I have to be honest and admit that it’s a truly touching piece.


  1. Welcome Chris to the Dad-O-Matic fold! Looking forward to what you’re going to share.

  2. Welcome Chris to the Dad-O-Matic fold! Looking forward to what you’re going to share.

  3. Welcome Chris. Glad to have you aboard. Looking forward to many exciting and interesting articles.

  4. Welcome Chris. Glad to have you aboard. Looking forward to many exciting and interesting articles.

  5. Welcome Chris, and my daughter, five year old Hannah Marie was with me in the bathroom the other day, as I did my morning ablutions. She got out some of her mother’s q tips to clean “the tacks out of her ears.” Amazing how earnest she can be. Mike Logan

  6. Welcome Chris, and my daughter, five year old Hannah Marie was with me in the bathroom the other day, as I did my morning ablutions. She got out some of her mother’s q tips to clean “the tacks out of her ears.” Amazing how earnest she can be. Mike Logan

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