In Dad’s Life Lessons On The Wall, I shared an easy and loving way to teach your child important life lessons. Perhaps one of my lessons is one of yours?
Rule #3: Are you proud of who you were today?

So you blew it today.
That wasn’t a smart thing to say. Your friend is mad at you. You fought with your sister. You got caught in a lie and got punished. Today was not a good day.
Rule #3 is simple. Ask, “Am I proud of who I was today?”
If the answer is ‘yes,’ congratulations! What did you like about your behavior today? Is it something you can repeat tomorrow?
If the answer is ‘no,’ why? Can you do something differently tomorrow? Can you apologize or do something to make someone else feel better?
The point of Rule #3
Nothing’s permanent. You have another chance tomorrow. Don’t beat yourself up about a bad choice you may have made.
If there’s something you didn’t like about today, do better tomorrow.
What are your life lessons?
I’ve come up with a dozen or so, some I discovered in the last two years. What are some lessons you’d impart on your kids? Perhaps something you’d be willing to share here?
Good luck from a fellow Dad,
:: Joe Hage ::
P.S. 7,000 kids in America die from sudden cardiac arrest each year. I donated an AED defibrillator to protect my kids at school. Consider doing the same for yours. Email me for details at
. Thanks.
I used to live in Springfield, MO, I would order the “black sheep” at Springfield Brew Co and it would either be their Mudhouse Stout or their porter, depending on the season.
Laptop Battery
I used to live in Springfield, MO, I would order the “black sheep” at Springfield Brew Co and it would either be their Mudhouse Stout or their porter, depending on the season.
Laptop Battery
I used to live in Springfield, MO, I would order the “black sheep” at Springfield Brew Co and it would either be their Mudhouse Stout or their porter, depending on the season.
Laptop Battery
I used to live in Springfield, MO, I would order the “black sheep” at Springfield Brew Co and it would either be their Mudhouse Stout or their porter, depending on the season.
Laptop Battery
I used to live in Springfield, MO, I would order the “black sheep” at Springfield Brew Co and it would either be their Mudhouse Stout or their porter, depending on the season.
Laptop Battery