My experience as a Dad has definitely hit the next level with the birth of my first grandchild in April. As much joy as my three kids have brought me (and that’s a BIG number if we were to measure), I could never have imagined the love, joy, emotion and pure wonderment I would have for being a grandfather. It was a surprise at first, but I have quickly acclimated to being the enormously proud Grandpa.
While I was present for my grandson’s birth in April, I hadn’t seen him in person since then as he and his parents live in another State. I was able to spend Labor Day weekend with them, and in a word, it was AWESOME. As my own parents told me when my first son was born, being a grandparent is truly special in ways that transcend the experience of having your own kids. I could not agree with them more. I think part of that joy comes from the pride of seeing your own child in the role of a parent… It’s about legacy, about seeing things come full circle and just feeling that you are a part of something much bigger, much greater than yourself… something that will last for generations. It’s about family.
We had lots of fun over the weekend, but the highlight was taking my grandson into the hotel pool while wearing my GoPro Camera on my head (yeah, instead of a “Glasshole” I am a GoPro-Hole…). Liam took a real interest in the camera, as you can see in the video below.
As your own kids get older, don’t fear the “G” word, as I did. I can assure you that as great as parenthood is, Grandparenthood is even better!