1. What a great post! Last night I coached the first soccer practice of my 3yr old twins boys and their friends. It’s difficult to put into words how special this relationship could be and how those ‘important’ things that just a few short years ago, could pale by comparison. Thanks for reminding me once again about the things that are most important in life! I really enjoy your site, keep the great stories coming!

  2. What a great post! Last night I coached the first soccer practice of my 3yr old twins boys and their friends. It’s difficult to put into words how special this relationship could be and how those ‘important’ things that just a few short years ago, could pale by comparison. Thanks for reminding me once again about the things that are most important in life! I really enjoy your site, keep the great stories coming!

  3. Carmen Villadar

    I read this awhile back and it really choked me. I still cry when I read it. Thank you for posting it. By the way, I love how Dad’s are blogging .. I simply love it.

  4. Carmen Villadar

    I read this awhile back and it really choked me. I still cry when I read it. Thank you for posting it. By the way, I love how Dad’s are blogging .. I simply love it.

  5. What a beautiful post Paisano. I’ve always wondered if dads and mothers who adopt feel that deeper level of bonding that women who give birth do. Two things that I really love about becoming a mother is being blessed enough to have experienced my baby growing inside of my body and then feeding my child from my own body. I can’t tell you how much those two experiences simply amazed me about the miracle of life. I was in awe of it. And to this day they are two experiences I am most fond of, but it’s also what makes me feel like my child is still part of my body and I find such difficulty in cutting the umbilical cord.

    So when I read “The message and meaning becomes deeper and more profound as the years go by” I see that you, too, feel that sense of your child being so connected to you as if they were still attached to your body. I love that you shared that and that there are men like you who bond so closely and beautifully with your children.

    And thanks for re-posting the piece from Dale Hanson Bourke. It is so emotionally moving and so true. Now, if we all can just figure out how to cut the umbilical cord and set them free so they can go off into the world and make their own way. When you figure out how to do that let me know, because I can’t seem to cut the umbilical cord and want to be attached to my child forever!!!

    P.S. This is the second time I’ve commented here and I feel like a party crasher given I’m not a dad. But I love Dad-o-matic because it’s filled with men who have embraced parenthood and it’s so nice to see because, sadly, there are far too many men in the world who don’t embrace and participate in their children’s lives the way you guys do.

  6. What a beautiful post Paisano. I’ve always wondered if dads and mothers who adopt feel that deeper level of bonding that women who give birth do. Two things that I really love about becoming a mother is being blessed enough to have experienced my baby growing inside of my body and then feeding my child from my own body. I can’t tell you how much those two experiences simply amazed me about the miracle of life. I was in awe of it. And to this day they are two experiences I am most fond of, but it’s also what makes me feel like my child is still part of my body and I find such difficulty in cutting the umbilical cord.

    So when I read “The message and meaning becomes deeper and more profound as the years go by” I see that you, too, feel that sense of your child being so connected to you as if they were still attached to your body. I love that you shared that and that there are men like you who bond so closely and beautifully with your children.

    And thanks for re-posting the piece from Dale Hanson Bourke. It is so emotionally moving and so true. Now, if we all can just figure out how to cut the umbilical cord and set them free so they can go off into the world and make their own way. When you figure out how to do that let me know, because I can’t seem to cut the umbilical cord and want to be attached to my child forever!!!

    P.S. This is the second time I’ve commented here and I feel like a party crasher given I’m not a dad. But I love Dad-o-matic because it’s filled with men who have embraced parenthood and it’s so nice to see because, sadly, there are far too many men in the world who don’t embrace and participate in their children’s lives the way you guys do.

  7. Joey Parshley

    This was such as great post. I also love the idea of a place for dads to blog about their connection to their children. I have grown up hearing that there is no bond like that of a Mother and Child. Well, I think that is hooey! It should be edited to “Parent and Child”. More dads should open themselves up to that relationship. It will be the most heart breaking thin they will do in their lives. It will also will be infinitely more inviting than anything they could possibly accomplish.

    I have never in my life met anyone that I love the way I love my son and daughter. I am always infinitely more touched when I see a father interacting with their child. It is so important for our children to see male role models that are not afraid to show their feeling. It gives them so much ammo to take into their lives when the “umbilical cord is cut” (I do not believe that is EVER completely severed btw).

    I look forward to reading more great posts. I only wish there was a way to contribute to this incredible concept aside from solely commenting.

  8. Joey Parshley

    This was such as great post. I also love the idea of a place for dads to blog about their connection to their children. I have grown up hearing that there is no bond like that of a Mother and Child. Well, I think that is hooey! It should be edited to “Parent and Child”. More dads should open themselves up to that relationship. It will be the most heart breaking thin they will do in their lives. It will also will be infinitely more inviting than anything they could possibly accomplish.

    I have never in my life met anyone that I love the way I love my son and daughter. I am always infinitely more touched when I see a father interacting with their child. It is so important for our children to see male role models that are not afraid to show their feeling. It gives them so much ammo to take into their lives when the “umbilical cord is cut” (I do not believe that is EVER completely severed btw).

    I look forward to reading more great posts. I only wish there was a way to contribute to this incredible concept aside from solely commenting.

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