1. Hi Jeff,
    Great list. There is a massive gap between 7 and 8 though. I hope there are few other steps in there.
    Great blog though and thanks for your experience.

  2. I’d agree with Nigel. I know 10 (or 11) is a nice round number, but I think you need things like “first bloodied nose,” “first date/kiss/encounter with the other sex,” and “first night spent away from home.”

    Especially the “first encounter that made him/her realize that boys/girls aren’t icky.”

  3. Great list. As a newish dad, I’ve watched Jack go through 1-3 already and start #4.

    As odd as it sounds, even at this young age, I’m kind of looking forward to the milestones where Jack makes conscious choices to be his own person. A lot of these are great, and true, but standard developmental progress.

    So for me, things like “first time standing up to parents” and “declaring a major” definitely belong on the list.

    Of course, find me in fifteen years and see how I feel about either of those suggestions then.

  4. Nigel and Bill, thanks for the comments and YES, there are many milestones between 7 and 8. LOL. I wanted to pick ten to get the conversation started, but please add some more! (Bill, the girl’s aren’t ICKY is definitely a sign of newfound independence… or not.. )

    Alan, those are great additions to the milestones. Thanks!

  5. it’s a good suggestion,thank you!

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