Gordon Ramsay, watch out!  Zachary Sass is going to win HELL’S KITCHEN one day.  I mean it!  He is already my favorite chef in Hollywood (ok, Hollywood, Florida…).
Last night I had the pleasure of dining at the Terra Bite Cafe, in Hollywood, Florida where my 20 year old son, Zach, is the Chef.  The Greek style Mediterranean food was delicious, beautifully presented, and made with incredibly fresh ingredients demonstrating why a Mediterranean diet is one of the healthiest in the world.  Zach was beaming, and so was I, as the owner of Terra Bite, George, told me what a hard worker and wonderful chef Zach is, and how much he has already contributed to the success of the young restaurant.  As any parent would be, I am enormously proud of Zach for his accomplishments, but I am even more proud of him for pursuing his dream.  Ever since he was 10 years old Zach has wanted to be a chef.  I have no idea why he chose it, but he did, and he was determined.  In high school, he put “Culinary Arts” on his class ring, even though his school did not have any Culinary Arts classes.  He applied to only one college, Johnson & Wales University, well known for it’s Culinary and Hospitality programs.  Zach is now a junior there.
I am not just proud of Zach, I am also proud of myself and his mom for never discouraging him from his dream, regardless of how (awkward? out of left field? unrealistic?) it may have seemed to us at first.  After all, when he started saying he wanted to be a chef, Zach hadn’t really ever cooked anything.  And of course I had a (not so) glamorous view of working in the restaurant business after reading Anthony Bourdain‘s KITCHEN CONFIDENTIAL (which perhaps changed my view of dining out forever).  Still, Zach did not waiver from his dream, and we did not stand in his way.
I have written here before about “raising a Rockstar” and the importance of the three P’s: Pride, Passion and Professionalism.  In today’s challenging world, the middle P, Passion, is perhaps the most important. It is hard to be successful in life without finding things to be passionate about, and passion is very personal.  Zach is passionate about cooking.  I am not.  I am passionate about other things that don’t interest Zach.  What is important is that he is passionate about his dream, and therefore I have no doubt he will achieve it, (and he is already well on his way).  As the Dad, I hope I will always acknowledge and support anything my kids are passionate about.
How about you?  Have your kids found things they are passionate about?  What if their passions are not the same as yours?  Please add your thoughts in the comments, and (SHAMELESS PLUG) if you are ever in Hollywood, Florida, go eat at the Terra Bite Cafe!
Jeff Sass is the proud dad of ZEO (Zach, 20, Ethan, 18 and Olivia, 17). He is also a seasoned entertainment and technology exec and active social media enthusiast. You can see more of Jeff’s writing at Sassholes! and Social Networking Rehab.
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Congrats on having such a great experience with your son. Staying out of the way when something doesn’t make sense to us personally takes a lot of effort.
Finding that balance between being a parent (looking out for the best interests of our children) and a hindrance (allowing our parenting to interfere where maybe it shouldn’t) is something that is not text book teachable.
Despite the ‘difficulties’ and ‘un-knowables’ I still wouldn’t trade being a Dad for anything. As my kids move toward being able to express their passions I just plan on being there to support them and walk with them. Just being there is most of the battle.
Have fun and happy dining!
Congrats on having such a great experience with your son. Staying out of the way when something doesn’t make sense to us personally takes a lot of effort.
Finding that balance between being a parent (looking out for the best interests of our children) and a hindrance (allowing our parenting to interfere where maybe it shouldn’t) is something that is not text book teachable.
Despite the ‘difficulties’ and ‘un-knowables’ I still wouldn’t trade being a Dad for anything. As my kids move toward being able to express their passions I just plan on being there to support them and walk with them. Just being there is most of the battle.
Have fun and happy dining!