It seems that once a child reaches School, or Daycare, that Kid’s Parties become both a bane and a blessing.
Parents, in my experience, put on a good show for their kid’s celebrations. Grinning through the crazy, you can see the glimmer in their eyes. Looking forward with bated breath for all the other parties throughout the year where they can drop and run!
We’ve opted for a different road, mostly.
All our parties are the same. Ours and the kids. We’ve been blessed with great friends, and doubly blessed that all our kids are friends.
So far, and I know this will change in time, the parties we’ve thrown have been fantastic gatherings of friends and fellowship, for all ages.
Not always, but more than a few times, we’ve attended other kid’s parties. At least one of us, but most of the time it’s both of us and the other kids too :).
I’m not sure how long this will last. But while it does, we’ll be making the most of it!
How do you deal with Parties, both Adults and Kid’s?
Stu Andrews is a Husband and Father of Four. He can be found on his personal blog and on Twitter, amongst other places. Please drop him a line, he LOVES to meet people.