1. Mary Katherine

    Sadly, the world population has always had its share of “badasses”. In my lifetime, however, I never thought I would read about the brand of cold-bloodedness you shared. A grandchild threatening to break a grandparent’s hip? Hell no. Social media is our evolutionary means of re-creating the fractured and absent communities of our lives: family, neighbors, church, co-workers. The greatest tragedy is a culture that accepts this child’s psychotic, anti-social behavior – the truest example of this family’s own fractured community – as simply badass. Abnormal psychology says otherwise.

  2. Mary Katherine

    Sadly, the world population has always had its share of “badasses”. In my lifetime, however, I never thought I would read about the brand of cold-bloodedness you shared. A grandchild threatening to break a grandparent’s hip? Hell no. Social media is our evolutionary means of re-creating the fractured and absent communities of our lives: family, neighbors, church, co-workers. The greatest tragedy is a culture that accepts this child’s psychotic, anti-social behavior – the truest example of this family’s own fractured community – as simply badass. Abnormal psychology says otherwise.

  3. Shauna

    WOW! Is the word that comes to mind here, and not in a good way. It’s unfortunate that we (or grandparents) are raising children to be so incredibly hateful. I am the type of person that corrects behavior of all children around me. *Only when it is rude to adults or hurtful to children in particular. Obviously those grandparents were “done”. They need some help. There is NO reason not to say something to the child when they behave in such a way. YOU are an adult! To tell the child he is being rude and should show more love to the people that take care of him is completely okay. :o) The only “badass” children that are out there, are the ones society let be. I’m sickened by this…truly.

  4. Shauna

    WOW! Is the word that comes to mind here, and not in a good way. It’s unfortunate that we (or grandparents) are raising children to be so incredibly hateful. I am the type of person that corrects behavior of all children around me. *Only when it is rude to adults or hurtful to children in particular. Obviously those grandparents were “done”. They need some help. There is NO reason not to say something to the child when they behave in such a way. YOU are an adult! To tell the child he is being rude and should show more love to the people that take care of him is completely okay. :o) The only “badass” children that are out there, are the ones society let be. I’m sickened by this…truly.

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