In Tweet Your Kids, Tweet Your Kids #2 , Tweet Your Kids #3 and Tweet Your Kids #4, I wrote “Ever think ‘I should write that down’ when your child says something funny?”
I use Twitter for that. Here’re some Tweet-worthy comments from my boys.
Six-year-old Lucas

Dad trying to watch video. Lukey: “Daddy, is that our Master?” Dad: “Yes, that is President Obama.”
Lucas: “Mom, Dad? Do you have to squeeze the adult elephant’s trunk to get the baby out?”
6yo Lucas trying to distract me: “Look outside, Dad! A billion moneys!”
Lucas talking back. Dad: “Why don’t I just put you in a box?” Lucas: “Oh, hello??! I would not like that!”
Stratego explained by a 5 year old [YouTube video]
Zach plays one piano song over + over. Dad: “I wish you would add something else to your repertoire.” Zach: “Web-a-jar?” Luke: “Butt-a-jar!”
Lucas: “What is that [tampon] for? Your penis?” Momma: “I don’t have a penis.” Lucas: “For your hole penis?”
6yo Luke: “This rice has an acid taste.” Daddy: “I don’t think you know what ‘acid’ means.” Luke: “You’re right! I don’t!”
6yo @LukeHage got a scrape on his ankle. “Dad, I think I’m going to need crutches.”
Luke hasn’t quite got the concept of death yet: “Is it uncomfortable to live underground?”
6yo @LukeHage: “Dad, can we go on YubaTube and see crashing bikes? Like people falling down and they’re getting hurt?”
6yo @LukeHage to the Momma: “How come you have three private parts?”
The Momma: “Lucas! He goes first. He’s the guest.” @LukeHage: “No, he’s not! I met him before!”
“Daddy, do you know what your anus is? It’s a hole in your butt!” Insight from @LukeHage
The Momma: “Lukey, what’s on your forehead?” @LukeHage: “I think it is bee poop.”
6yo @LukeHage: “Daddy, I ate all of it so I can have flab like you!”
Witty retort(?) from 6yo @LukeHage: “Daddy, you’re a big pair of glasses!”
Eight-year-old Zachary

8yo @ZachHage: “I never tell a girl she’s flabby b/c I don’t know if she’s pregnant or not.”
Daddy: “What do you think would happen if Daddy tried the luge?” Zach: “Die. Because you are too lazy.” Nice.
Zach’s gift to Luke
Zach and Lucas have a message for Grandma + Jeddo (kind of)
Zachary got duped by a leprechaun he was trying to trap. “I know that trick. Thanks for the coin,” the leprechaun wrote back.
Caller: “Beth?” Zach: “It’s Zach!” Caller: “Oh, you sound so old!” @ZachHage: “I know! Because I’m eight!”
Struck by generosity. @ZachHage told a woman on a Disneyland shuttle abt She just gave $100!
Have some kid gems? Leave them in the comments!
P.S. 7,000 kids in America die from sudden cardiac arrest each year. I donated an AED defibrillator to protect my kids at school. Consider doing the same for yours. Email me for details at
. Thanks.
We created a twitter account for our son @clarkeconner when he was 4 years old, using the account to capture lines we wanted to remember and share with family and friends. After he verbally tweets a gem, we type it in then repeat it back to him to make sure it’s exactly how he said it (and he often adjusts a word or two). Now he sometimes types them up himself, using Twitter to practice typing and sharing with people not lucky enough to be within ears’ reach. He’ll be thrilled to know there are other kids doing the same.
We created a twitter account for our son @clarkeconner when he was 4 years old, using the account to capture lines we wanted to remember and share with family and friends. After he verbally tweets a gem, we type it in then repeat it back to him to make sure it's exactly how he said it (and he often adjusts a word or two). Now he sometimes types them up himself, using Twitter to practice typing and sharing with people not lucky enough to be within ears' reach. He'll be thrilled to know there are other kids doing the same.
We created a twitter account for our son @clarkeconner when he was 4 years old, using the account to capture lines we wanted to remember and share with family and friends. After he verbally tweets a gem, we type it in then repeat it back to him to make sure it's exactly how he said it (and he often adjusts a word or two). Now he sometimes types them up himself, using Twitter to practice typing and sharing with people not lucky enough to be within ears' reach. He'll be thrilled to know there are other kids doing the same.
MarciaMarcia, we started @ZachHage and @LukeHage but their interest comes and wanes and with only 6 followers each, tweeting doesn’t quite have the reach so I mention them on my account. We also gave them their own blog. They were VERY interested at first; not so much now.
I’ll check out @clarkeconner!
MarciaMarcia, we started @ZachHage and @LukeHage but their interest comes and wanes and with only 6 followers each, tweeting doesn't quite have the reach so I mention them on my account. We also gave them their own blog. They were VERY interested at first; not so much now.
I'll check out @clarkeconner!
MarciaMarcia, we started @ZachHage and @LukeHage but their interest comes and wanes and with only 6 followers each, tweeting doesn't quite have the reach so I mention them on my account. We also gave them their own blog. They were VERY interested at first; not so much now.
I'll check out @clarkeconner!
MarciaMarcia, we started @ZachHage and @LukeHage but their interest comes and wanes and with only 6 followers each, tweeting doesn't quite have the reach so I mention them on my account. We also gave them their own blog. They were VERY interested at first; not so much now.
I'll check out @clarkeconner!
MarciaMarcia, we started @ZachHage and @LukeHage but their interest comes and wanes and with only 6 followers each, tweeting doesn't quite have the reach so I mention them on my account. We also gave them their own blog. They were VERY interested at first; not so much now.
I'll check out @clarkeconner!