1. That is a sad thing to go through. My favorites were animals. One child said Potamilus for Hippopotamus and the other said Allizizor for Alligator.

    Even now my four year old says Star Worls instead of Star Wars, that R just befuddles him.

    Both said “mines.” That toy is mines. We worked hard on that one and aren’t said to see it go.

  2. That is a sad thing to go through. My favorites were animals. One child said Potamilus for Hippopotamus and the other said Allizizor for Alligator.

    Even now my four year old says Star Worls instead of Star Wars, that R just befuddles him.

    Both said “mines.” That toy is mines. We worked hard on that one and aren’t said to see it go.

  3. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

    Danni says a couple of other things like strawbabies for strawberries, hancakes for pancakes, but I think I will miss the singing the most.

  4. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

    Danni says a couple of other things like strawbabies for strawberries, hancakes for pancakes, but I think I will miss the singing the most.

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