1. Michael- Welcome to one of the most stressful activities for dads (and moms). My wife and I have traveled many times with our three kids (now 6,4 and 2). WOW! Everyone trip has been an adventure.

    On one trip, our kids had already been through 2 connecting flights so they were getting a bit fried. My wife and I were trying to keep our littlest one from crying during the decent. Sure enough, he was screaming at the top of his lungs.

    As we were getting off the plane, an older gentleman from a few rows back said that we need to cover his nose AND mouth. He heard that covering both their nose and mouth stopped them from crying (yeah….after they pass out!!!). His wife gave him the biggest idiot look you ever saw. She even apologized on behalf of him.

  2. Michael- Welcome to one of the most stressful activities for dads (and moms). My wife and I have traveled many times with our three kids (now 6,4 and 2). WOW! Everyone trip has been an adventure.

    On one trip, our kids had already been through 2 connecting flights so they were getting a bit fried. My wife and I were trying to keep our littlest one from crying during the decent. Sure enough, he was screaming at the top of his lungs.

    As we were getting off the plane, an older gentleman from a few rows back said that we need to cover his nose AND mouth. He heard that covering both their nose and mouth stopped them from crying (yeah….after they pass out!!!). His wife gave him the biggest idiot look you ever saw. She even apologized on behalf of him.

  3. Andrew – Ha ha, thank you! I had a great eye opening welcome indeed! My wife and I travel by plane often and I’m sure it’s gonna get better and better (screaming, kicking, etc…). Maybe if I’m luck it will be just fine. My daughter, in fact, was fine with the flying part and no issues at all. The problem really was us! We went in unprepared and didn’t account for time. I have to say I haven’t had anything negative told to me yet but I’m sure it’s coming sometime.

    Thank you Andrew for taking the time to read and comment on my article. I wish you the best on future trips with your family. 🙂

  4. Andrew – Ha ha, thank you! I had a great eye opening welcome indeed! My wife and I travel by plane often and I’m sure it’s gonna get better and better (screaming, kicking, etc…). Maybe if I’m luck it will be just fine. My daughter, in fact, was fine with the flying part and no issues at all. The problem really was us! We went in unprepared and didn’t account for time. I have to say I haven’t had anything negative told to me yet but I’m sure it’s coming sometime.

    Thank you Andrew for taking the time to read and comment on my article. I wish you the best on future trips with your family. 🙂

  5. Michael- You will have people stick up for you as well. My wife and I were on a flight to London with our youngest (other two with grandma and grandpa). He was six month old. The flight attendant for our section “re-located” a gentleman in our row so my wife and baby could stretch out (not a full flight but it was the thought from the flight attendant that counted).

    My best advice. If it is a 1 day trip. Plan for 3 (diapers, etc). You never know when you can get stranded in an airport for an extra day.

  6. Michael- You will have people stick up for you as well. My wife and I were on a flight to London with our youngest (other two with grandma and grandpa). He was six month old. The flight attendant for our section “re-located” a gentleman in our row so my wife and baby could stretch out (not a full flight but it was the thought from the flight attendant that counted).

    My best advice. If it is a 1 day trip. Plan for 3 (diapers, etc). You never know when you can get stranded in an airport for an extra day.

  7. G-r-e-a-t photo, Michael!

    How’d you do that?

    Also, how’d you set up the red title line and blue underscore?


  8. G-r-e-a-t photo, Michael!

    How’d you do that?

    Also, how’d you set up the red title line and blue underscore?


  9. Thank You Joe!

    [Mini-Photoshop Tutorial]
    The photo is me at the airport and is a small bit of Photoshop work, nothing too crazy. It’s a pretty simple radial blur filter effect on the top layer masked in certain spots to allow the bottom layer to show untouched. Then some minor curves contrast adjustments.

    As for the red lines & blue underscore, those are “heading” settings in the formatting bar when you’re writing a post. This template has CSS style settings and when you use the Heading H1 through H4 settings they show up.

    Joe, thanks again for taking the time to read and comment on my article. I hope I helped out with this info!

  10. Thank You Joe!

    [Mini-Photoshop Tutorial]
    The photo is me at the airport and is a small bit of Photoshop work, nothing too crazy. It’s a pretty simple radial blur filter effect on the top layer masked in certain spots to allow the bottom layer to show untouched. Then some minor curves contrast adjustments.

    As for the red lines & blue underscore, those are “heading” settings in the formatting bar when you’re writing a post. This template has CSS style settings and when you use the Heading H1 through H4 settings they show up.

    Joe, thanks again for taking the time to read and comment on my article. I hope I helped out with this info!

  11. Andrew – I think my wife packed for the year and she’s only staying in Florida for a week, go figure.

  12. Andrew – I think my wife packed for the year and she’s only staying in Florida for a week, go figure.

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