1. Right on Jeff. the one refinement I might make is to add a 4th P, Patience. Of course I know you could assume that is part pf Professionalism, but one of the very bad traits of teh baby boom generation, especially in the US, is we grew addicted to instant gratification.

  2. Right on Jeff. the one refinement I might make is to add a 4th P, Patience. Of course I know you could assume that is part pf Professionalism, but one of the very bad traits of teh baby boom generation, especially in the US, is we grew addicted to instant gratification.

  3. Lorraine Genco

    Absolutely. This is what we taught our children – where you and I are of one mind. Our children are our heart and and soul. They take a piece of us wherever they go from the moment they are born. Encouragement, support, love and pride in all and anything they do. It instills confidence, stimulates creativity. The silly one-dimensional stick figure family holding hands went on the fr!dge door, as cherished as a Van Gogh. “It’s wonderful ! It’s beautiful! It looks just like me!” That is how we raised Zach, Ethan and Olivia and that is why they are the wonderful people they have become. Reach for the stars. Their ladders always stretched long enough so that they could catch one. For that I thank you. You are a wonderful father. We did good.
    btw – glad you were Zach’s culinary guinea-pig instead of me.

  4. Lorraine Genco

    Absolutely. This is what we taught our children – where you and I are of one mind. Our children are our heart and and soul. They take a piece of us wherever they go from the moment they are born. Encouragement, support, love and pride in all and anything they do. It instills confidence, stimulates creativity. The silly one-dimensional stick figure family holding hands went on the fr!dge door, as cherished as a Van Gogh. “It’s wonderful ! It’s beautiful! It looks just like me!” That is how we raised Zach, Ethan and Olivia and that is why they are the wonderful people they have become. Reach for the stars. Their ladders always stretched long enough so that they could catch one. For that I thank you. You are a wonderful father. We did good.
    btw – glad you were Zach’s culinary guinea-pig instead of me.

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