We were at Grandma’s house, in the pool, just me and seven-year-old Zachary.
I had tripped across Fred Savage’s page on Facebook earlier in the day. And was reflecting on The Wonder Years’ finale, “Independence Day.”
And it occurred to me that these are Zachary’s Wonder Years.
I said to Zachary, “One day you’ll be away at college. One day your brother will have a job. And you’ll remember how you used to take a bath with him.”
I asked, “What will you remember about your Wonder Years?”
He replied, “How you used to tuck me in all the time.”
Still makes me watery-eyed.
How will your children remember their Wonder Years?
And what are you doing to shape and reinforce those memories?

Good luck from a fellow Dad,
:: Joe Hage ::
Other posts from Joe Hage:
Dad’s Life Lessons on the Wall
Dad’s Life Lessons: Rule #1
Thanks for this reflection. Sometimes I wonder if they’ll remember TOO vividly given all the fun we dads have documenting these days. Maybe contrast is, with your older kids, their memories can now clash with your accountings. Mine are still too young to know better. And will hopefully read into all this as love and wonder from dad.
Thanks for this reflection. Sometimes I wonder if they’ll remember TOO vividly given all the fun we dads have documenting these days. Maybe contrast is, with your older kids, their memories can now clash with your accountings. Mine are still too young to know better. And will hopefully read into all this as love and wonder from dad.
Thanks for sending this. You made at least one difference today. I’ve been pretty caught up in work lately and this really helps sharpen my focus and reminds me what’s really important. A welcome shot in the arm.
Thanks for sending this. You made at least one difference today. I’ve been pretty caught up in work lately and this really helps sharpen my focus and reminds me what’s really important. A welcome shot in the arm.
Making paper airplanes, piggy-back rides.
Making paper airplanes, piggy-back rides.
Thanks for your comments.
@Mike, I’m touched by what you wrote and heartened that your lucky children will benefit from your renewed focus.
Thanks for your comments.
@Mike, I’m touched by what you wrote and heartened that your lucky children will benefit from your renewed focus.
Great post Joe. It made me stop and remember tucking in my 14 year old twins who now tuck themselves in…but I still do sneak in and kiss them goodnight when they are fast asleep.
Great post Joe. It made me stop and remember tucking in my 14 year old twins who now tuck themselves in…but I still do sneak in and kiss them goodnight when they are fast asleep.
Today Zachary told me he wanted to help with household expenses: gas, taxes, etc.
Today Zachary told me he wanted to help with household expenses: gas, taxes, etc.