1. Andrew H

    My two oldest boys (17/15) have been on FaceBook for a few years now but under the strict rule that I’m their friend and monitor their postings.

    My dilemma is when I see young girls that are their friends posting something on my kids wall and I go to their profile and they have it wide open to the world, postings, pictures, videos, etc. I don’t want to sound like a stalker but either the girls or their parents need to know how to close down access to their information to only verified friends. I have my kids try to tell them but I rarely see any changes. If I happen to know the parents, I casually mention that I noticed this after following a link on my son’s pages…and the parents are usually shocked.

    It is a different world these days..isn’t it?

  2. Dad the Single Guy

    At least you are using the parental controls. I’ve thought about teaching classes on these things where I live. The level of folks who know nothing about basic net safety is alarming. My niece and her swim team were giving away all kinds of information through photo tags-and their parents never understood until I laid it out for them.

    The reality is, you can only control your little corner of the internet, and you have to do your best. It sounds like you are, so just keep it up, and eventually it will sink in. The other thing I do is share (especially with my older one 11) stories of poor internet safety and what can happen. It seems to work, and she actually helps her sister with it.

  3. You guys are right on and I have a 16, 13 and 12 yr old and am also an Internet expert (having been an Internet CEO at various companies in the last 12 years). I can tell you that the potential dangers of social networks are far greater than what you can see as a friend of your kid. Here are two great examples.
    1. some of the most damaging stuff (comments and photos) are posted by your kid’s friends on their pages, not your kids pages. You can’t always get to them. And if your kid has 300 friends, how many hours a week would it take you to look at all the pages of all those 300 kids to see if they posted any objectionable comments or photos of your kid? Answer; impossible to monitor since you don’t have the time and probably not the access.
    2. how can you tell if a 40 yr old man is trying to friend your 14 yr old daughter? Answer; you can’t. They can lie about their age and use a fake photo. But here’s one way to get an idea. If your daughter has 300 friends, and receives an invite from a person who is NOT friends with any of those 300 kids, then that’s a suspicious sign. But, you have no way of being able to tell. We do.

    Check out http://www.socialshield.com. This is what we do. Offer a protective layer that keeps an eye out for suspicious or dangerous activity, yet it’s not spying and doesn’t require that you friend your kid (which can be embarassing for them). If we see something suspicious, we flag it for you. The product is early, but will quickly increase it’s depth and range of coverage and effectiveness. Am interested in what some of you other dads think. At every dinner and school event I go to, this is indeed always a topic of conversation and I’m getting flooded with volunteers for beta testing.


  4. Dad the Single Guy

    Hey George thanks for reading and thanks for the tip on Social Shield. I will check it out. Appreciate it.

  5. I completely agree with Andrew. If you are going to be willing to let your child(ren) have accessibility to any and all social media, then you will essentially have to check/run two accounts of what you and they are involved in. Therefore, if you have a Twitter and so do they, well then you are running yours while keeping an eye on theirs. If you do not, then you are running the risk of opening your child(ren) up to the world where not everything is as it seems and the naive can so easily be taken advantage of. Definitely more work but well worth it in my opinion.

  6. Justin Rollins

    It is very important to figure out if a social networking site have security features and complies with COPPA. The internet can be very beneficial for kids but the potential dangers make it not worth it to use. One site that may be worthwhile to look into is Kids Social Network (http://www.kidssocialnetwork.com). This site complies with COPPA and has its own big brother feature.

  7. Hi, I really appreciate your blog. Great,
    Happy Friendship day sms

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