Mom is magical. As I write this, my wife, Rocky, is in Kenya. But she uses magic to be with us each day. She will be there for nine more days working at Saint Monica’s Childrens Home. I know this number, not because I’m good with math or because I am so lost without her …
Continue reading Dad Should Be Magical TooThe topic of bullying has always been important to me. I’ve seen the pain and anguish caused by bullying my whole life. Fortunately for me, I grew tall early in life so I avoided the torture of being the victim of most bullies but I still witnessed too many friends get picked on for years. …
Continue reading Protecting Our Precious AngelsFriday and Saturday is the kickoff of the second annual BlogHer Food 2010 in San Francisco. In all, more than 300 food bloggers are expected to gather to share recipes, swap culinary creation photography tips and of course, eat and meet with some of their favorite food brands. Though I’m attending for work (disclosure: several …
Continue reading BlogHer Food 2010: Dads Cook Too!From a toddler’s first steps to the steps we need to take to ensure the online safety and security of our kids, the Cast of Dads sound a bit more serious this week as we address our typically diverse topics.  Our serious tone was set perhaps by the breaking news as we recorded of the student …
Continue reading Cast of Dads #32: An Educating EpisodeI’m watching the recent movie adaptation of Astro Boy, a year or so after my daughter watched it. There are so many emotional upheavals and elements I probably didn’t want my daughter to see without some conversation. She’s a smart kid, but this movie is all about rejection. There’s tons and tons of situations of …
Continue reading Parental GuidanceMy love affair with TED continues… Â I have written many blog posts here and on my personal blog about amazing and inspiring TED presentations. Â It is a wonderful way to expose yourself to people and concepts you might otherwise never encounter, as well as see really smart and passionate people share vision and views on …
Continue reading The “Hole In The Wall†and Child-Driven EducationUnless you’re a die-hard Green Bay Packers fan, the end of Monday night’s Bears/Packers game was a gem to watch. With :04 to go, and the score tied at 17, Robbie Gould kicked a field goal to put the Bears up 20-17, en route to a 3-0 start. But that of course left the Packers …
Continue reading So how do you score that play?I have always struggled with my weight and grew up convinced that one of my genetic gifts was “big bones.”  Always on the chubby side as a kid, I became accustomed to shopping in Husky Hell and nicknames like “whale” and “bubbles.”  Although at one time or another I have probably tried almost every diet fad, I …
Continue reading The Weight Is Over: 5 Tips For Family FitnessWith the 1977 release of Star Wars, audiences were introduced to Darth Vader, the baddest bad guy in the entire galaxy. As the story unfolded and the prequels arrived on the scene, many people were surprised to learn that Darth Vader was not always such a bad dude. It may be equally surprising to learn …
Continue reading Darth Vader’s Dos and Don’ts for DadsOver the summer, in particular, I bring my kids down to my office with me fairly regularly. This past summer, my college student daughter, Stephanie, worked here as an intern, so I always had family close at hand, but the real fun is when my younger daughter, Katie, crashes the party. I’m smiling and remembering …
Continue reading When the Kid’s Come To WorkIn this, the “Silent But Deadly” edition of Cast of Dads we dish about everything from decapitation to divorce (and no, there is no discernible connection between the two).  In true Cast of Dads form, even though we touch on some serious parenting issues, from safety helmets to adolescent desires, we still end up flabbergasted by flatulence in the …
Continue reading Fart Is A Four Letter “F” Word… (Cast of Dads #31)Harold (my 4-ish year old) wanted to shoot a video: The fun of doing this is that he knows how to open Photobooth (on a Mac). He knows how to switch it to video and hit record, and he knows how to speak to the camera (kind of). When I think about what our kids …
Continue reading Sharing Tech With Kids(Note: If you and/or anyone in your family is dyslexic or suffers from any vision impairment, please read on for a chance to test an Intel Reader in your home for one month…Â Â Disclaimer: Product links below are Amazon Affiliate links. Â I am part of the “Intel Insider” program and am compensated and/or receive other value …
Continue reading Get Your Hands On A Digital Reader That Says It All: The Intel ReaderTrust me, it’s hopeless.  Do you dread walking into your kid’s room?  Are you tired of picking up socks, clothes and toys off of the floor?  Do you beg and bribe your kids to clean their rooms?  Well, you might as well stop right now and save yourself years of stress and anxiety.  You can reduce your future botox bills …
Continue reading Stop Picking Up Their Clothes!A while back, I wrote 600 Days Without Solid Sleep. Well after yet another night marked by a 2AM wake-up call, I thought I would run the numbers, and what do you know? A nice round 1000 days! How could I not mark such an auspicious occasion? Pardon me if I appear a bit snarky, …
Continue reading 1000 Sleepless NightsThanks to sites like Dad-O-Matic and loyal readers like you, the blogosphere is emerging as a terrific outlet for Dads to get out front and take a more vocal stance on parenting and fatherhood issues and experiences. Â There are hundreds of caring and sharing “daddy bloggers” spreading their unique perspectives on “the world according to …
Continue reading Social Media Club Takes Dads On Tour – Atlanta This Week!Before I post a new episode of Cast of Dads I always listen to it, and even though I was “there” and part of the recording, I try to listen back to the finished show as a “listener” and experience it as I hope you will. Â I have to say, this show, our 30th episode, …
Continue reading Cast of Dads #30: Stuffed Animals, Stuffed Mouths, and Other Stuff…“Instead of enjoying her company over the holiday weekend, I’ll be waving good-bye to her as my mother takes her to California for a dance competition.” A Dad carves a moment out of his morning to spend some time with his busy girl.
Continue reading Loving the Little MomentsA member of the Dad-O-Matic extended family has recently gone public with details of a situation that would be any parent’s worst nightmare – having your children suddenly taken away from you, and not being able to see or communicate with them for more than a year. Â This has been the terrible situation Colin Bower …
Continue reading A Father’s NightmareI’ve long been a fan of homemade ice cream. Not homemade in the store…homemade in my home. It’s really one of the easiest recipes to make…as long as you keep the ice cream maker in your freezer, you’re always ready to go. But what about something a bit lower in fat? Say a popsicle? Every …
Continue reading Instant PopsiclesIt is back to school time, and today my youngest child, my daughter, started at a new school. Â This time, however, I didn’t have to pack her lunch, or walk her to the bus stop. I won’t be looking forward to any more parent teacher conferences or notes sent home about missed homework assignments. Nope. …
Continue reading Degrees Of FatherhoodHere’s the scoop:  As you know, for the past few years I have been active as a so-called “Daddy Blogger,” sharing my dad point of view and stories here at and in the weekly Cast of Dads podcast.  With three awesome kids now ages 22, 20 and 18, I have no shortage of experiences and opinions on …
Continue reading A Man Inside (Intel)One of the fun things about getting together with the Cast of Dads is that sooner or later each of us gets the chance to share an embarrassing moment…  Or maybe that’s just me who keeps sharing goofy moments?  Well, if it is me, this episode is no exception as I dive into a poorly sung rendition …
Continue reading Cast of Dads #29: From Dudes To Doggs…I wonder how many runners there are out here? I wonder how many would be offended if I called myself a runner? Let me tell you my story and you can decide for yourself. Me I know the answer. I’ve never been a runner. I’ve never thought of myself as a runner and I never …
Continue reading RunningSummertime is often a time we catch up on reading and this summer is no exception.  I finally sat down to read a book I purchased last summer, Crazy for the Storm: A Memoir of Survival (Amazon affiliate link) by Norman Ollestad.  This is a true story, but written with the depth, pace, and strong characterizations one …
Continue reading Book Review: Crazy For The Storm – A Memoir Of Survival(Note: I originally posted this on my personal blog, but felt it was also relevant here on Dadomatic. Â I hope you don’t mind the repetition if you are a visitor to both.) Last night I went to a Memorial Tribute arranged by a co-worker and friend whose father passed away unexpectedly a few weeks ago. …
Continue reading Don’t Wait For The Memorial…In this episode of Cast of Dads one of the dads tells of a late night spill that ended with a trip to the ER and some stitches… which leads to a discussion of kids and injuries… which leads to me recalling the tale of my daughter and her missing finger tip… (you’ll have to listen to …
Continue reading Cast of Dads #28: Stitches, Veggies and Scooping PoopIn the latest episode of Cast of Dads, we actually started the show with a couple of specific topics in mind: “Kewl Birthday Parties” and “the dangers of drowning.” Â From happy to scary and everything in between we cover it all, and then some, in a show that combines serious parenting tips with a lot …
Continue reading Cast of Dads #27: Same Old Spit…When we were kids, entertainment was mostly a passive activity.  We plopped down in front of the TV and zoned out on BATMAN and THE MONKEES (ok, I might be showing my age here, but those are the shows I was enamored with…)  Our kids, however, are growing up in an increasingly connected, interactive world, …
Continue reading An Entertaining Future is #StillHereIf you have more than one child at home do you find that they often “tattle” on each other? I have written about digital tattle tales before and on a recent trip to San Francisco I was thinking about it again, and how, in my case, counting on one or more of my kids to …
Continue reading Checks And Balances: Is It OK For Your Kids To Be Tattle Tales?Much is being written about the awesome and uber viral Old Spice campaign featuring former football player Isaiah Mustafa. Â It turns out the “Old Spice Guy” is a dad, and, it seems a great dad at that. Check out this “call out” to his daughter as part of the interactive “real time” videos that Old …
Continue reading A Most Awesome “Dad†Moment Courtesy of Old SpiceI was fortunate enough to interview Jeff Fatt, the purple Wiggle from the world famous Wiggles! They’re going to be coming to the USA for their Wiggly Circus tour this summer. Jeff took the time from his hectic schedule to give me a call. I tried to ask him questions that I’m sure many of …
Continue reading One on One with a Wiggle: Jeff FattAre you enjoying some quiet time with your spouse while the kids are away at camp? Â If so, you are also probably getting ready for the infamous “visiting day,” when parents invade the camp grounds to see what their offspring are really doing while off at Camp Cost-A-Lot. Â Having been both a camper and a …
Continue reading 5 Tips For A Successful Summer Camp Visiting DayThe heat was on for this week’s Cast of Dads show as the Northeast experienced record breaking (and air conditioning breaking) temperatures. Â From the humidity to stupidity, we crack open some beer and wine and I cracked some of my usually corny jokes (well, you might not consider them jokes). I seemed to have had …
Continue reading Cast of Dads #26: Hot Fun In The Summertime…It is Independence Day but I find myself considering “independence” in more ways than the birth of our nation. Having recently gone through both a High School and a College graduation with my kids, lately their independence has been on my mind.  So, to celebrate parenthood on the 4th of July, here is a quick …
Continue reading 10 Milestones In Your Child’s Path To IndependenceThe Russians are coming, the Russians are coming!  From warships in San Francisco, to spies to Diplomatic tweets, this week the Cast of Dads hopped around more topics than a room full of kangaroos.  If you’d like us to be a little more focused in the future feel free to E-mail us your topic ideas! Meanwhile the …
Continue reading Cast of Dads #25: Russian Home To The FamilyThis has been floating around Cyberspace a while I think, but it just landed on my radar and it is too good not to share with Team Dadomatic. Enjoy! Dad Life from Church on the Move on Vimeo. Kudos to the super creative team that wrote and produced the Dad Life song and video! Â Go …
Continue reading Hip Hop By Pop: Dad LifeI’m going to admit that I’m on the fence. With this ad for Huggies Diapers (click through if you can’t see it in your reader), the ad itself is a bit awkward (adult women making “oh he’s HOT” faces at toddlers – yes, it’s tongue in cheek), but I dunno. Diapers that look like jeans? …
Continue reading Huggies Jeans DiapersIn this show the Cast of Dads regroup to recap our respective Father’s Day activities, but as usual we can’t possibly stay focused on one topic.  Before long we jump from discussing a dad’s happiest day, to a day many dads fear: V-Day! (with “V” standing for Vasectomy!)  Want to know which of the Cast of …
Continue reading Cast of Dads #24: From Father’s Day to “Vâ€-DayI’ve been giving a lot of thought to being a dad. I have two kids, one boy and one girl and for a long time I looked at my kids as something that got in the way of me achieving my dreams. Something that kept me from being a great scientist. I had a dream …
Continue reading Father’s Day ReflectionIt is Father’s Day, and if you’ve been lazy, busy, or just procrastinating way too long I have good news for you. There is still plenty of time to give the best Father’s Day Gift ever, and here’s how: If you are in the same city, go see your dad. Give him a hug – …
Continue reading The Absolute BEST Last Minute Father’s Day Gift!Have you heard the story about the married couple photographed together at Disney World 15 years before they met? (I found out about it from a link Chris Brogan shared via Twitter.) The couple didn’t know each other, and they didn’t even live in the same country at the time the photograph was taken: That …
Continue reading Happy Father’s Day, GodYou may not like Mondays, but this week the Cast of Dads decided we did like them, especially since a Monday evening recording session allowed us to whet our whistles with beer, putting us all in an especially buoyant mood for our pre-Father’s Day show. As dads ourselves we have the pleasure of celebrating both …
Continue reading Cast of Dads #23: Beer, Father’s Day, and the “Swedish Special!”Everyone loves a gift that keeps on giving…something that will be used frequently and thus serve as a lasting reminder of the occasion and the gift giver.  The best way to find a perpetual gift for dad is to take a look at things that are part of his everyday routine.  Get dad a gift he will …
Continue reading A Routine Gift For Father’s Day…As Father’s Day 2010 approaches and my daughter nears her 7th birthday, I’ve been thinking about the story of Abby Sunderland, the 16-year-old California teenager who recently tried to become the youngest person to sail solo around the world. She didn’t make it (a storm broke her mast and she had to be rescued in …
Continue reading How Old is Old Enough?My mother is one of the strongest people I know. When I was a kid, I idolized my dad. He was the coolest, smartest dad on earth, and I wanted to be just like him. My mom, not so much. Mom and dad got divorced when I was 7 or 8. My mom was a …
Continue reading Happy Father’s Day, MomAn Alarming Situation Like most dads (and humans for that matter) I generally go to sleep at night and rely on mechanical assistance to wake myself up at the desired hour each and every morning. With that in mind I have been forever in search of the perfect alarm clock.  I have tried them all – …
Continue reading A Father’s Day Gift For The DASHing Dad! (and a chance to win one)We all fall behind sometimes. Admit it. Are you one of those lame people who doesn’t get gifts until the night before? Have you sent out Father’s Day gifts in July? It’s okay. I feel your pain. So when my friends at the Hachette Book Group asked me if I wanted to run a last …
Continue reading Last Minute Father’s Day GiftsWhen I was little, I would ask my father, “What do you want for Father’s Day, Dad? His answer would not make sense to me. “I don’t want anything.” Then, realizing this answer would not satisfy, “I want good, well-behaved children.” Seemed like a non-answer to me. Now I’m a Dad My children, aged 6 …
Continue reading What do you want for Father’s Day, Dad?Dealing with the crazy schedules of five busy dads, this week we recorded Cast of Dads on a Monday, and it felt like the show had a different vibe from our normal Sunday morning chats.  That said, like always we geek out over a wide range of topics, from “Intel Inside” to pitching tents outside, to …
Continue reading Cast of Dads #22: From Intel to In TentsIn this episode the Cast of Dads memorialize our Memorial Days, and as usual, we jump through more topics than a circus dog through hoops! Most importantly, we pay our respects and thanks to all those who have served and continue to serve in the Military, and we are forever grateful for the sacrifices made …
Continue reading Cast of Dads #21: Memorial DazedAs so called “daddy bloggers” for Dadomatic we sometimes get invited to attend events that may lead to information and content that will be of interest to you, our readers. A few months ago, for example, Christopher Johnston was flown to New York to attend an advance screening of the family movie “Secrets of the …
Continue reading Getting the Intel on Intel at the “Upgrade Your Life” EventAs I sit at home reflecting on Memorial Day I can’t help but wonder what happened to the guys I went to basic training with. Did anyone see combat? Did any of my buddies die? I’ll never know. But what I do know, as I listen to the Army helicopters fly over my house towards …
Continue reading Reflections on Memorial DayLast week I wrote about my son’s graduation from college.  The night of his graduation ceremony his girlfriend and her family threw a party for him at their home.  There were the expected balloons and banners clearly declaring the graduation theme, but there were also two really clever additions that gave the party a special graduation flavor.  I …
Continue reading Cheese & Chocolate: Two Tips For An Awesome Graduation Party!It’s funny how everything “old” is new again. I recently dusted off my copy of Dale Carnegie’s How To Win Friends and Influence People. Inside I found a passage I marked that resonates with me as a father. With hopes the Carnegie folks won’t mind, I’ll share the passage here. Father Forgets by W. Livingston …
Continue reading A lesson on fatherhood from Dale CarnegieThe Cast of Dads gathered this weekend at 5pm instead of our usual morning date, which led to a little more giddiness and a lot more “adult” talk.  In fact, the original title of the episode is “From Douche-bags to Dish-washing!  To find out how we managed to align such disparate “D” words, you’ll have to just listen to the show! Topics discussed …
Continue reading Cast of Dads #20: Does The Bag Make The Man?It is graduation season, and the air is filled with the aroma’s of diplomas! Â From Grade School to Graduate School students everywhere and their families and friends are celebrating “Commencement.” Â I have always marveled at how clever it is to honor the completion of school with a word that means “beginning.” Â While we celebrate our …
Continue reading Graduation: A Commence-meant To Be!Once again the Cast of Dads go off on several tangents, from lawn-mowing wives to touch screen computing, and hand-written thank you notes, we leave few stones unturned in this week’s Podcast. Topics discussed in this episode include: Wives mowing the lawn Thank You Notes Resurrection of hand written letters Teaching writing in school Dragon …
Continue reading Cast of Dads #19: U CAN Touch This!Here’s another wonderfully touching song from Trace Adkins. Much like “All I Ask For Anymore“, and “Then They Do“, this one, “You’re Gonna Miss This“, is another tribute to families. This one is a reminder for us all to try to stop and appreciate these magical times–even when things seem like utter chaos and mayhem. …
Continue reading You’re Gonna Miss ThisJust before Mother’s Day the Cast of Dads got together for our weekly gabfest and as usual we covered a wide range of topics, from our daughter’s dancing to, well, things a bit more disgusting. Â We even had to “bleep” out a few references in order to protect you, our listeners, from a Google search …
Continue reading Cast of Dads #18: From Dancing to DisgustingI am NOT suggesting that being a parent and raising our kids is anything at all like training a dog. Really, I am NOT.  However… I once hired a dog trainer who focused almost exclusively on training a puppy by giving it, in his words, “plenty of praise.”  Giving our kids plenty of praise is also a …
Continue reading Training Your Kids (And 3 Things That Are Worthy Of Praise)I’ve been reading Robert Kiyosaki’s books lately. You’d know Rich Dad Poor Dad. I’ve read another six of them. In so doing, the topic of teaching your kids about money and even business came up. Now, most of us, when faced with thinking about teaching our kid about business, think about chores, or maybe a …
Continue reading Teaching Kids About BusinessIf you are a procrastinator like me I have good news for you. Â In fact I have GREAT news for you! Â Mother’s Day is Sunday yet there is still time to send your Mom, or any Mom you love and respect, a heartfelt gift that will honor her, and provide much needed aid to a …
Continue reading A Mother’s Day Gift That Keeps On Giving: To Mama With LoveHere’s a wonderful Trace Adkins song about a man who has changed his priorities in life. He shares all the things he used to pray for like cars and money but now understands that the only thing that truly matters is his family. All he ever asks for anymore is for the health and safety …
Continue reading All I Ask for AnymoreThe Cast of Dads celebrated Spring by jumping from the Cub Scouts, to Crying, to Candy Cigarettes and our greatest fears. We had fun talking and we hope that you have as much fun listening. Topics discussed in this episode: Video Game badge from the Boy Scouts Brownie Try-It badges The softening of our children …
Continue reading Cast of Dads #17: Tears For FearsOn death: “Is it uncomfortable to live underground?” and other gems from Joe Hage’s kids.
Continue reading Tweet Your Kids #5Ever find yourself saying, “Life will be easier when…â€? If you’re a parent, you can fill in the blank mighty easily. Life will be easier when… …he can sleep through the night. …she can feed herself. …he can tell us where it hurts. …she goes to school. …he makes it to the NBA and buys …
Continue reading Life will be easier when…Last week I had the pleasure of attending and speaking at Jeff Pulver‘s 140 Characters Conference: Exploring The State of Now! There were nearly 170 speakers and panelists at this two day event, including celebrities, musicians, technologists, media personalities, educators, and more. Without question, one of the most popular and inspiring presentations was that of …
Continue reading An Education on Education: Chris Lehmann Talks “School 2.0” At #140ConfIn this episode of Cast of Dads, the Dads get down to the real poop of being a father. While we always try to keep the show “family friendly” and avoid any potty mouthed talk, that doesn’t restrict us from talking about the potty, and this week we tackled both the input and the output …
Continue reading Cast of Dads #16: In One End, Out The Other…Before becoming a dad I had no idea how many forms of hugs there are. I think perhaps we need to do something like what the Eskimos do in Alaska with all the words for snow.
I thought I might take a little time today to talk about all the types of hugs there are.
NOTE: I write all these descriptions from the dad’s perspective but they also apply to moms.
Daddy’s Home – This is a personal favorite of dads. It only occurs at the end of a long day or when you return from a trip. The excitement and joy embraced in this hug often “quite literally†knocks one off there feet.
I’m sad daddy – There are times that nothing can cure the “sad†but a hug sure comes close. Sad hugs are generally full hugs with constant pressure but don’t contain the excitement that might be experienced in other hugs. The sad hug is honestly as much for the daddy as it is for the child because it gives the daddy something he can “do†to help in the situation.
Continue reading Where is my Hug?Yes, you read correctly. Â The title of this post is “Fatherhood One On One,” not to be confused with “Fatherhood 101.” Â For Fatherhood “101,” just dive in and and read ALL the posts on Dadomatic from ALL our great Dads. Â You will get a complete primer on being a Dad from just about every imaginable …
Continue reading Fatherhood One On OneBecause our Top 5 Legal Documents Every Dad Must Know About was so popular, we decided to asked Christopher Johnston, our resident financial expert dad, to give us the top 5 financial things we dads can do for our family. We are happy to share his sage advice right here. 1. Figure out where you …
Continue reading 5 Financial Things You Must Do For Your FamilyI have a confession to make: my name is Adam and I photograph my food. All the time. At home and in restaurants, whether I cooked it myself or paid for a team of others to labor over a hot stove. I photograph the simple (pasta with pesto) and the complex (recipes with 14 ingredients, …
Continue reading I Photograph FoodLast month I told you about a project I had started back in November called the DADvocate project. The project has been rolling along and today I am launching the new DADvocate web site. I’m very excited to announce the new site as I’ve been working on it for over a month and I guess …
Continue reading The New DADvocate Project Web SiteRegardless of what we may think, in the end, it is our kids who hold all the power. Â They are the ones who (sooner than we think) will start taking over and running things in this fast paced, high tech digital world we live in. Â I was reminded of this in the presentation below by …
Continue reading Respect Kids: They Will Own You One Day!A review of the new family-friendly movie, Secrets of the Mountain, brought to you by Walmart and P&G.
Continue reading Secrets of the Mountain – Review & Give-AwayThe Cast of Dads recorded our latest show on April 3rd, the same day Apple released the now much ballyhooed iPad.  Of course us geek Dads couldn’t help but talk about it, even though only CC already had one.  (NOTE: CC’s daughter Emily – pictured below – gives her own child’s eye view of the iPad here.) …
Continue reading Cast of Dads #15: iPad, You Pad, We All PadFor those of you who have not yet enjoyed the work of Neil Gaiman, shame on you. You’ve possibly seen the movie Coraline, based on his book of the same title, and the movie Stardust as well. What you might not know is that he’s one of the finest, most entertaining narrators out there, and …
Continue reading Neil Gaiman Reads “Instructions” Live…The Cast of Dads have been on quite a roll lately and after our “live video” show from Austin Texas we recorded another audio episode the week before Easter.  Due to C.C.’s knee surgery, we are a little late posting the show, but we hope you’ll agree it was worth the wait.  We were all a little …
Continue reading Cast of Dads #14: Car Seats, Common Sense & The Grill Of Your DreamsMy daughter, Violette, and I received a spread of Iron Man 2 books from my friends at Hachette (who run Little Brown and a handful of other publishing houses). With the movie coming out, kids are going to be excited to see the latest exploits of their comic book hero come to life. Now, the …
Continue reading Iron Man 2 Has Lots of Kid Book Tie InsIt is Easter Sunday and I am sitting in a Starbucks reading and writing (fortunately, there is no arithmetic.)  The only signs of Easter here are the bunny ears my caffeine wielding Barista wears, fully qualifying her as an official “Bar-Easter.”  Instead of popping handfuls of Cadbury Mini Chocolate Eggs and biting the heads off of hollow …
Continue reading An Eggcellent Day To Be Silly (Or Remember When…)A few weeks ago I wrote about “5 Things You Should Never Say To Your Kids” and there were some great comments and discussion that followed the post. Â Thank YOU for chiming in. Â In the spirit of countering the negative with the positive, I thought I would follow up with a few things that we …
Continue reading 5 Things You SHOULD Say To Your Kids (A Lot)While our intent is for Cast of Dads to primarily be an an audio podcast, a couple of weeks ago we found that three of us were actually going to be in the same city at the same time: CC and I were both in Austin, Texas for SXSW, and DaddyBrad’s home court, DadLabs, is …
Continue reading Cast of Dads Special: “LIVE” From SXSWMy daughter and I wanted to go out and do something special together. I suggested a nature walk. To make it really fun, I gave her a Sony Bloggie camera (disclosure: SONY gave me the camera to try out, but I’m not obligated to use it for any particular projects) so she could capture some …
Continue reading Amping Up Special TimeThis weekend was awesome. I got to spend a lot of time with the kids and on Saturday I was mainly with my oldest. We went to Horseback early in the morning. The ride to horseback is almost an hour and we talk and sing songs and sometime record a video we call “Saturday’s with …
Continue reading Hold Hands or Push?I miss windows. Â No, I am not an Apple convert waxing poetic about my old computer operating system. Â I actually miss real windows… the glass kind. Â The kind we used to gaze through and let our minds wander in the days before portable electronics became so pervasive. I miss looking out the window, and I …
Continue reading The Pane Truth: What Happened To Looking Out The Window?They say “the show must go on” and this week was no exception. Â I am on the road for business and called in from my hotel for this week’s episode of Cast of Dads. Â I was in Austin, Texas to attend SXSW, and while in town, three members of our cast were able to gather …
Continue reading Cast of Dads #13: Talking, Texting & Tracking From TexasReadeo has unveiled something they called BookChat that uses webcams to allow people to read books via the web in real-time. The idea will not be received well by some folks who will complain that the best part of the reading experience is being together. However, this solution is not positioning itself as a replacement …
Continue reading Readeo Introduces BookChatA tragic accident in a High School baseball game that sent a pitcher into a coma after being hit in the head from a batted ball has created quite a stir against the use of aluminum bats. The school and its opponent have agreed to use wooden bats in their next game. The use of …
Continue reading Good WoodWords ???are powerful. Words spoken by a parent to a child are very powerful and often can carry far more weight and impact than we realize, so as parents we should choose our words carefully.  With that in mind, here are: 5 Things You Should Never Say To Your Kids 1) F#&*! – You need only …
Continue reading 5 Things You Should Never Say To Your KidsIt’s a rough life. You need to relax. Massage therapy turns out to be the perfect thing. Now how do you explain it to the children before they overhear about it, talk to their friends, and think you’re doing something dirty. Farfetched? No. My own late teens son didn’t understand what massage therapy was. My …
Continue reading Massage and your children??No??, this is not a show about Tony Danza and Alyssa Milano, but in this week’s Cast of Dads podcast we do start off discussing who plays the role of chief disciplinarian in each of our homes. Â And of course, what would a show about discipline be without a healthy peek at punishment. Â From “dunce …
Continue reading Cast of Dads #12: Who’s The Boss???Next??. ?Next. Next. Whoa! NEXT! Next. Hey now! Next. Next. Next…  If you have been clicking on “next” a lot lately, perhaps it is because you have been one of the millions of Internet users checking out the latest on-line fetish fad, Chatroulette.  If you live in a cave and haven’t yet heard of Chatroulette Jon …
Continue reading From Chatroulette To Dadroulette!It’s hard for me to believe but I just went back through my posts on DAD-o-Matic and saw that I hadn’t talked much about my number one topic and how and why I got into blogging consistently. My oldest daughter. My oldest daughter Haley has CP, Cerebral Palsy. When I finally decided to start my …
Continue reading I Am Not WeirdMy youngest’s bio on Facebook. Why I love him. I’m a pretty laid back person. Unfortunately, I’m a person who wears their heart on their sleeves. I’m the son of an awesome father, Todd Jordan, who really cares for me. Also, an awesome loving mother, Sharon Jordan, who cares for me just the same. Without …
Continue reading Love, Anger, KidsAs noted here, in this week’s episode of the Cast of Dads podcast we talk about how to be prepared for a natural disaster. Â The topic was no surprise, since we recorded the show just hours after the earthquake in Chile was reported and while the world waited to see what coastal areas would be …
Continue reading Cast of Dads #11: A Disaster Of A ShowWhen I was a kid, there was a series of commercials for “Chiffon” margarine that had the tag line, “It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature!”  Lately it seems that perhaps we must have been trying to fool her and now Mother Nature is seeking her revenge and proving her prowess with a daunting display …
Continue reading 5 Ways To Be Prepared When Mother Nature RoarsHere’s a news item about a tragedy that has a silver lining thanks to the University of Clemson and its football coach Dabo Swinney. High School football star Jake Nicolopulos had a dream to play college football for the Clemson Tigers and it was all set to become a reality until he had a stroke …
Continue reading Class ActAt the opening of this episode you will hear a promo for The Boom Effect, an auction and fund raiser for fellow dad and good friend Tee Morris who recently lost his wife.  Tee will be raising his little girl known as “Sonic Boom” on his own, and the Podcasting community has been very supportive …
Continue reading Cast of Dads #10: Walking The Line OnlineHere’s an excerpt from Katrina Kenison’s wonderful book “The Gift of an Ordinary Day” that totally captures the beauty and power of being a parent, for both moms and dads. I loved what she shared here because it’s something that I realized a long time ago. It isn’t really all the big important events in …
Continue reading The Gift of an Ordinary DayLIAR.  It is a four letter word that can be far more hurtful than other familiar expletives. This is especially true when the liar in question is someone you love dearly and completely.  As parents we spend our lives hoping to instill in our children a sense of truth, trust and responsibility.  We teach them …
Continue reading They Say Truth Hurts, But Lying Is More Painful“…You can’t be too careful.” These were the words of a somewhat strident middle-aged lady at Dungeekin Minor’s ‘football’ training session on Saturday, as she vocally and agressively demanded to see the (female) coaches ‘paperwork’. The trouble is – I rather think you can be too careful. When you’re not the parent, and you turn …
Continue reading “In Today’s Climate . . . “(NOTE: usually my posts here are written originally for Dad-o-matic.  That said, I recently wrote on my personal blog about Chef Jamie Oliver’s impassioned and impactful speech about childhood obesity at the recent TED conference.  I realize that Chef Oliver’s speech would likely be of great interest to the Dad-o-matic crowd, so with permission from …
Continue reading Food, Glorious Food??? Are We Feeding Our Kids To Death?On Thursday my middle child Abby decided she was ready to wear panties. She had a hard time on Thursday but when I put her to bed Thursday night she said “Daddy can I wear panties to school again tomorrow?” So on Friday she did better and then yesterday when we were all home she …
Continue reading Panties and BusinessThe Cast of Dads gathered early on Valentine’s Day to catch up and compare notes on our romantic plans for the day.  Despite a few pregnant pauses as we contemplated Cupid, we managed to cover a wide range of topics, from our daughters dating, to the pleasures of power tools.  Here is a complete rundown of …
Continue reading Cast of Dads #9: Pausing For Valentine’s DayYesterday was Valentine’s Day, and while Jeff has provided some great ways to avoid disaster today, I wanted to talk about why I didn’t really start caring about it all, until our oldest daughter was born. It’s not that I’m not a romantic, quite the contrary. I think it’s more that, like most men, I …
Continue reading Valentine’s Day Reborn With MeaningIt is Valentine’s Day!  Time for everyone to get their heart on!  For us Dads it is one of those days (like birthdays, anniversaries, the day you and your significant other met, etc.) that is best not forgotten.  There are many ways to recognize the day and reveal your romantic side, and like most things …
Continue reading 5 Ways To Avoid A Valentine’s Day Massacre!Here’s an amazing project from Pepsi called the PEPSI REFRESH PROJECT where they will spend millions of dollars to fund ideas that we submit that have a positive impact on the world and planet. It’s such a wonderful concept and makes a great deal of sense because not only can we submit our ideas but …
Continue reading Refresh ProjectWe bought our daughter one of those little primary-colored push car toys for her first birthday. It gets great gas mileage and holds up amazingly well in crashes, of which there have been many so far. The other day, she got herself caught in a traffic jam. The legs of our counter-height kitchen table and …
Continue reading Life’s Little Traffic JamsDespite the siren song of beer and wings calling in the distance, the Cast of Dads set aside time on Superbowl Sunday to record an episode: “Superbowl Sunday With The Cast of Dads.” While the talk quickly turned to football, some of us – er, me – revealed we are I am not as up …
Continue reading Cast of Dads #8: Winging It For The SuperbowlWe men took more than our usual bashing during the 60 or so commercials played during SuperBowl Sunday. We deserved some of the mocking but come on already, Madison Avenue. It’s time to give us men a little more credit, don’t you think? Still, I enjoyed the funny ones as much as the next guy. …
Continue reading Favorite SuperBowl AdsShortly after the iPad was released Jeff Sass wrote a great blog about iDad. iDad is a great parody on the value of a dad over an iPad and a fun little read. There is another great DAD moment that was captured in a post last night Who Dad published by Doriano “Paisano” Carta. Last …
Continue reading What is a DADvocate?Congratulations go out to the New Orleans Saints for beating the Indianapolis Colts tonight in the SuperBowl 31-17 behind the MVP arm of Drew Brees. I was happy to see them win mostly because of everything the people of New Orleans went through a few years ago with Hurricane Katrina. It’s such an amazing story. …
Continue reading WhoDadMany moons ago, when I was just a mere tike, when my Mom and Dad taught me to “share” they were mostly trying to get me not to explode in a hissy fit when my younger sister or one of my playmates wouldn’t let go of my Legos or give up my G.I. Joe. Life …
Continue reading Teaching Kids To Share In A Digital AgeHere’s just a quick comedy break… hilarious stuff
Continue reading E*Trade Baby Outtakes
I don’t talk about my dad too often, actually this is my first post where I’m acknowledging him. Unfortunately he has had sever depression for the last 10 -15 years and he hasn’t dealt with it. Three months ago after my son was born it finally got in the way of our relationship and we are not currently speaking. This hurts me and is not really by my choice but it is what it is and it does not take away from the fact the my father was a great dad while we were growing up. He was a doctor and he was busy, but he was there for us and present when he was with us. I never felt neglected and I loved, and love him very much.
Continue reading I’m a dork just like my dadDo you remember when the Christmas toys were new and exciting, even after Easter? Those were the good old days when a favorite toy lasted beyond the current TV season. Like many parents, I try to get gifts each Christmas that will have staying power. Invariably, some of the toys don’t live up to the …
Continue reading The Expiration Date on Christmas ToysThis week the Cast of Dads took a step back from tech talk and focused our discussion on more fatherly pursuits, thanks to some feedback and suggestions from our listeners. We appreciate getting your feedback on the show and if there are specific topics you would like for us to tackle let us know in …
Continue reading Cast of Dads 7: More On Morons…This is my first post as a new dad contributor to Dad-O-Matic and it is about giving back. Where do kids learn to be so compassionate for others? Usually from their parents in most cases but not in this particular situation. I have three kids and my oldest child Sabreena is very into one particular …
Continue reading Children Giving BackI just watched this 88-second spot and it really got thru to me loud and clear. Thanks to Zane Aveton (aka @zaneology on Twitter) for sharing this tonight. I hope it impacts all of you the same way it has for me. What a powerful reminder. Find more videos like this on AdGabber
Continue reading Family TiesLemonade is a documentary short that delivers a powerful message. It focuses on several advertising professionals and how they dealt with the shocking impact of being laid off. Many of them looked at this sometimes devastating blow as a wake up call and chose to go for their dreams and do what they’ve always wanted …
Continue reading When Life Gives You LemonsAn apple a day… gives the media lots to talk about.  This week both the tech news and so called “mainstream media” was all abuzz about the long rumored, finally revealed, “tablet” device from Steve Jobs and his team at Apple.  When all the dust settled, as expected, everyone’s attention turned to the “core” of …
Continue reading The iPad vs. The iDad!Got any tricks to help your kids with homework and test-taking? Joe shares one here.
Continue reading Dad! I don’t know how!DADvocate – Internet Discussions from Kevin Metzger on Vimeo. This is a video interview with Security Expert Ben Halpert. Ben has two daughters and a son on the way. When his first daughter was born he began thinking about the security risks for being on line with children and how and when that conversation should …
Continue reading Savvy Cyber Kids – An InterviewScreaming, shrieking, whining, crying, banging, bumping, laughing, sneezing, coughing, belching. farting, yelling, slapping, hitting, pushing, shoving, snapping, breaking, kicking, throwing up, falling down, dancing, running, skipping, jumping, bouncing, trouncing, wrestling, fighting, snoring.  Never boring.  These are just some of the sounds and actions in a house full of kids, sounds you may find annoying or …
Continue reading Noise Is Good!I wrote here a while back about how my two boys, Zach and Zane, came to live with us permanently at the end of November. To say that our holiday season was crazy, filled with ups and downs, and tiring would barely scratch the surface. Throughout this time, Trish, the love of my life, and …
Continue reading This Weekend the Boys Get a RoomNesting behavior has always baffled me. So I was more than a little frightened when I returned home from a business trip to find my wife had recovered her car seats and the den furniture in blue fleece and installed matching carpet in both. “Honey,†I asked cautiously, “do you know something I don’t?†“We’re …
Continue reading A father’s guide to safety devicesNo, we didn’t take to the road this week, but we did get our first e-mail question from a listener who happens to be a truck driver.  He goes by the handle of “Jokerman” and he wanted to know if the Cast of Dads could share our thoughts on MP3 players and eBook readers.  Well, …
Continue reading Cast of Dads Episode 6: Keep On Truckin’!When something like the recent horrific earthquake in Haiti occurs, parents of young kids are left with deciding how to talk to them about it. I’m not a psychologist, so this isn’t me giving you advice about how you should handle it. For my wife and me though, the simple truth is the only way …
Continue reading Talking Haiti, Death, Tragedy And Hope With A 6 Year OldSex… is not what this post is about.  No birds and bees here.  Instead I want to talk about the “other” conversation to have with your kids as they approach the age of puberty and start to become young adults.  That is the talk about privacy and managing with common sense the digital trails we …
Continue reading Having “That†Conversation With Your Kids…My favorite show on TV these days is without question MAD MEN which has won best drama Emmy for its first two seasons. I love the era they cover, the early 1960s and the look back at American families from that period of time. The thing that comes to mind right away is just how …
Continue reading Dad MenWe dads know that we’re teaching our children by what we do, not just by what we say. This video brings home that message loud and clear. Even if our children aren’t around, we should try to stay true to our code of conduct and behave in a way that would make them proud. Remember …
Continue reading Leading by ExampleImagine having the entire first year of your child’s life in photographs, or maybe photos of the family for a whole year. Here is an suggestion of a Dad as family photo historian project.
Continue reading Photo Related Dad ProjectWell, we did it. My wife and I made it to the one-year mark. (Oh, and so did Lucy.) The first two weeks seemed like a millennium, the last fifty seemed like a millisecond. So, what have I learned, if anything? • It sounds so dang cliché to say, “It’s harder than I imagined, but …
Continue reading The First Year of Fatherhood: One Dad’s ReviewJoe Hage writes, “Parents and children, don’t worry if Junior’s grades aren’t up to snuff. His or her success in life won’t depend on them.”
Continue reading DermottThe Cast of Dads are at it again. Last week I was in Las Vegas for the Consumer Electronics Show (CES). For a few busy days Las Vegas is converted from Sin City to Geek Heaven as the Convention Center is loaded with Gadgets galore. In honor of CES, this week the Cast of Dads …
Continue reading Cast of Dads Episode 5: Guys Love Gadgets!Over the holidays I was watching ESPN while helping my wife clean the house and two stories came on back to back the first was about Tiger Woods and the second was about Tim Tebow. Listening to these stories and the contrast of hero vs. fallen hero got me to thinking. I wasn’t raised to …
Continue reading Heroes?“It’s ten o’clock… do you know where your children are?”  In the days before mobile phones and text messaging, that was a line in a frequently broadcast Public Service Announcement.  Even in our connected world today, as parents we still DO want to know where our children are… all the time.  Now we have the …
Continue reading Foursquare And Seven Days Ago…Little loving reminders can mean a lot to your child. What little extra can you do today?
Continue reading A little love…Another year is over and a new one is beginning. This is often a time for setting goals and many people sit down to do it for themselves. I’m wondering how may of you sit down and set family goals and goals for each of your children? Initially my wife and I did not start …
Continue reading Goal SettingAs one year winds down and another begins it is always a time to look back and look forward, to reflect on the year that has passed and to plan for the year ahead. 2009 was both a challenging and rewarding year as we battened down the hatches both at work and at home to …
Continue reading Reflection and Affection The Cast of Dads could not resist getting together to record one last podcast for 2009.  Certainly one of our highlights of the year was getting together because of the Sony DigiDad Project, and we have been having a lot of fun sharing our stories and just “shooting the breeze” together ever since in …
Continue reading Cast of Dads 4: Happy New Year (and Making it to Midnight!)Here’s a list of the most popular posts for 2009. Ironically, even though we’re the number one Daddy Blog with over 80 fathers writing for us, our top two posts were from women! This only proves that our new feature called The Better Half has been a total success. It gives the women in our …
Continue reading Most Popular Posts of 2009 on Dad-O-MaticMy son wants to be a movie director…among other things. He asked for a green screen setup this year for Christmas, and we got it for him (not cheap). One of the things we’ve been trying to do, since our family grew by two boys, is to get them all to do things together, to …
Continue reading The Princess & The Dragon – Christmas MagicAs parents we are many things. At times we are the masters, at times we are the mentors. We have to be both teacher and preacher. We have to lead and feed and seed our children so that they grow into happy and productive adults. We live in stressful and complicated times and now, more …
Continue reading Opening Doors To Your Children’s DreamsI put this video together yesterday to share with my friend and family. As the Dad-O-matic dads are quickly becoming part of my online family I wanted to share it here too. Merry Christmas.
Continue reading Merry ChristmasMy son Zane got a tripod for his birthday. His birthday is actually on Christmas day, but wae celebrate early to keep them separate. Anyway…he filmed me reading “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” …and we thought we’d share. Enjoy: ÂÂ
Continue reading How the Grinch Stole Christmas … From MeContinuing on my first post here at Dad-O-Matic, I’ve created a blog that will be used for my family to stay in touch with my in-laws during Christmas.
Continue reading Creating a Virtual ChristmasThis holiday season, my daughter asked for a plush kitty. My boy asked for anything Thomas. That’s it. Know why? The picture is pretty much the reason. My kids don’t get a steady input of toy ads so as such, they don’t really seem to have as many interests in such. Now, I used to …
Continue reading The Best Thing I Ever DidWOW! I’m so excited to join the Dad-O-Matic community. I just wanted to introduce myself in my first blog over here. I guess I share two things in common with everyone on this blog. I’m a Dad and I’m a bit of geek. I guess I’ll start with the Dad stuff and then cover the …
Continue reading IntroductionThe “Cast of Dads” is back for our last recording before the Christmas Holiday, and it’s a doozy. Somehow our Holiday chatter leads us from the manly to the metro-sexual.  In this episode we discuss: Snow Days Holiday Gifts We Want Mustaches Massages and Massage Envy Guys like the spa too Pedicures? Really? Daddy Spa …
Continue reading Cast of Dads Podcast Episode 3: Mustaches, Massages & Man Purses!Distance makes the holidays difficult but technology can help shrink that distance and bring families together.
Continue reading Shrink the Distance with Family During the Holidays.Are you guilty of buying your spouse or significant other a bad gift? Over the years I have purchased my wife a salad spinner, stuffed her stocking with Listerine Breath Strips (what the heck was I thinking?) and purchased concert tickets for a show I was much more interested in than she was. What are …
Continue reading Bad giftsHave you ever paid close attention to the classic Christmas television program Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer? Rudolph and Hermey are misfits and the misfit toys are marooned on an Arctic island. It seems people with differences are sort of dismissed. But what’s interesting is that the North Pole is actually quite similar to our …
Continue reading We could learn a lesson from RudolphDisney sent me the above email. I opened it up and decided to try it out. I already had registered with their site before (for what I have no idea) then it was just a matter of uploading a recent pic of my daughter and typing in her name. After you make your own video, …
Continue reading Put Your Child On Santa’s Nice ListThanks to technology, our kids are growing up in an amazing time. Homework assignments that I would have had to use construction paper, crayons and Elmer’s Glue to complete are now being accomplished with laptops and PowerPoint.  Stacks of papers and notebooks have been replaced by files on key chain sized USB drives.  Those are just …
Continue reading How A Social Media Guru Helped My Son With His HomeworkAs Christmas draws near, I thought I’d share some cool, geeky things you might like to share with your children this holiday season. My 4 year old especially likes these. For him as a child that is growing up with on-demand video and the internet, it seems only natural to incorporate some of what Santa does online.
Continue reading Fun Online Christmas Activities with SantaThe Cast of Dads got together for our second Podcast and covered a wide range of geeky, fatherly topics. Daddy Brad was out sick which got us off and running comparing notes on the Flu (regular and the H1N1 variety). In this episode we talk about: Sick Kids H1N1 vaccines Spring Break Holiday travel with …
Continue reading “Cast of Dads” Podcast Episode 2: Vaccines to Vacations…I’m in the middle of one of those periods where I look at my daughter, about to turn six, and am amazed. I guess I shouldn’t be. When I was five, I started reading Dr. Seuss books to my grandfather. When Trish was very young, she was reading and speaking two languages. Katie will turn …
Continue reading Daddy, Can I Read to You?want to be a full time dad through the thick and thin, through the love and hate, the good times and bad. Don’t mistake me: there will probably be times where I truly will hate my children and question what demon-spawn I have birthed. Sure as I am writing this I have felt that same way for my parents at times. I know that regardless of what issue lies in front of us I will love and adore my children always and hold them above anyone else. That is what my parents do and have done.
Continue reading Thoughts From A Future DadYou probably have already wondered how a title like this makes any sense. In today’s world it probably doesn’t. Of those five words, there is one that seems to get the most attention this time of year, though not for the reasons that it used to. For some odd reason our culture has decided that, …
Continue reading Have a Politically Correct ChristmasI am convinced that all the child development books written by so-called “experts†are designed for the sole purpose of driving you insane. Even though most of the books tell you there will be variances between children at different stages, and that every kid is different, they still group the chapters in such a way …
Continue reading The REAL Expertise of the Child Development ExpertsFor many years, I’ve seen my two sons only on alternate weekends. I’ve hated the separation, but somehow that’s the hand life deals; you do what you can. About a week ago, the world changed. The boys’ mother passed on suddenly, and my household grew by two very smart, very polite teenage boys. There are …
Continue reading Families, Apparently, Can Grow SuddenlyPreface: As a believer in Christ and one who celebrates a traditional American Christmas, this commentary is for readers who also celebrate the traditional American Christmas. My comments may not resonate with you other wise, and you may even find yourself disagreeing with me on certain points. This is what I believe, and would like …
Continue reading Setting Christmas ExpectationsMovies, bowling, pizza, arcades, museums, concerts, shows, Ice Capades, circuses, Chucky Cheese, Dave & Busters, ice skating, rollerskating, sporting events, shopping, pottery, fairs, carnivals, planetariums, aquariums, theme parks, amusement parks, skiing, go-carts…  There are no shortage of ways to spend money to entertain our kids, and spend we do.  As much as they have fun …
Continue reading The Best Things About Fatherhood Are FreeThe movie City Slickers (1991) was a successful comedy starring Billy Crystal but what I loved most about the movie is its many tender moments like the clips I’m sharing here. There are some great life lessons here such as the one thing lesson from Jack Palance or the Best/Worst day stories from Billy and …
Continue reading Life Lessons from City SlickersNo baloney, it was a lot of fun participating in the Sony DigiDad Project and I hope you enjoyed the posts here at Dad-O-Matic that were inspired by the Sony gear I was able to borrow and play with. My kids and I particularly enjoyed our re-creating The Picture of Dorian Gray and creating a …
Continue reading Announcing The “Cast of Dads” Podcast…“I am the product of long corridors, empty sunlit rooms, upstairs indoor silences, attics explored in solitude, distant noises of gurgling cisterns and pipes, and the noise of the wind under the tiles. Also, of endless books” C.S. Lewis
Continue reading None of the right booksI recently attended a session at PodCamp New Hampshire on “Digital Natives” and realized halfway through the discussion that my children represent the first generation of “Social Natives.” My son Jackson and I thought it would be nice to share an episode of our show “Two Dudes and One Camera” with the Dad-O-Matic community and …
Continue reading Rise of the Social NativesHere’s the next post in my journey – it is in part a response to Jeff Sass’ post Upfront disclaimer: In this post I compare child raising to dog training. Also, there is an appearance by the star of the show, Miles! Here’s the video: For those parents too busy to watch, here’s the summary: …
Continue reading The Journey Episode 2: Attention To DetailMy job requires a lot of travel. It’s a fact of life; in a way the balance of our marriage teeters on it. I have overheard my wife assert on many occasions that I am required to spend at least one night a week on the road so she can get the house fully clean. …
Continue reading Nesting Danger SignsCraig Valentine gives an inspirational 7-minute speech here that I just stumbled across. I have to say that I really liked what he had to say when it comes to going for your dream in life. He shares a great story about a monumental decision he had to make in his career between money and …
Continue reading Your Dream is NOT for SaleTiger Woods is just the latest example of a sports star gone astray. Their face is peppered across all media outlets and the publicity is nothing but negative. As adults we know how to deal with this sort of disappointment. It doesn’t bother us much and after a few weeks or months we forget about …
Continue reading When Your Child’s Hero FallsUnlike FIGHT CLUB, when it comes to the rules of Fatherhood, it is ok to talk about them freely, especially here at Dad-O-Matic.  But are there really any rules of Fatherhood, or Parenthood for that matter?  I’d argue that there are no rules except for one: Never do anything that could harm or endanger your …
Continue reading The First Rule of Fatherhood: There Are No Rules!It’s that time of year. The holidays, Christmas, Chanukah and more are celebrated. Bright lights, holy symbols, and wintery decorations galore. It’s also become the season where folks no longer greet people with naming the holiday. Parenting is tough. There are tons of things you want to teach your children. Tolerance should be at the …
Continue reading Happy What?Phil Vassar’s wonderful song “Just Another Day in Paradise” captures the feeling most of us dads have but more than likely never express so eloquently. Its message is so pure and so simple, yet so profound. Even when things appear messy and chaotic and things don’t go the way we planned them (they rarely do), …
Continue reading Just Another Day in ParadiseThis is funny stuff. Andy Andrews shares 50 things that his dad said to him as a kid in blazing speed! It reminds me of the amazing Mom Song that we featured on here before. Here they are: You’d better change your tune pretty quick or you’re out of here. I mean it. Is that …
Continue reading Andy Andrews Says 50 Things Dads Say in 60 Seconds!I was recently given a review copy of Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Seeing Is Believing. The problem is, I’ve never done an official review of anything before. I guess the first thing to determine is my unit of measurement. That seems to be the thing that really brands you and makes you popular, ensuring …
Continue reading Believe It Or Not: A Review of Ripley’s Latest BookToday’s post is really a beginning. I’m a neurohacker at heart and by profession. I design behavioral software. That means I create media designed to “install” beliefs and behaviors into people just like you would install a new app onto your computer. I enjoy it. I’m good at it. And I believe that one day …
Continue reading The Journey BeginsWe are in that awkward time between Thanksgiving, and New Year’s, when the various “Holy Days” (a.k.a. Holidays) kick in.  Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Festivus, or some other seasonal ritual, one thing is certain, you will be inundated with the commercialism of the season.  Black Friday, Cyber Monday, mauling at the mall, the …
Continue reading Happy Melancholy-days! Five Reasons NOT To Be A Scrooge This Year!We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and the whole family settled down to watch The Hannah Montana movie. While I’ll admit that I think her show is actually funny and entertaining, I have to say that I was not thrilled with this movie selection. So I tried to make the best of it by making my …
Continue reading Caterpillars and ButterfliesThe day after Thanksgiving, my wife Anne and I took my kids to Disney’s High School Musical on Ice. What could be more patriotic than ice dancers simulating basketball to a syrupy Disney soundtrack? The kids were mesmerized, and I dropped cash at the souvenir stand as if I was competing for their attention with Thanksgiving itself…
Continue reading Thanks and Misgivings: A Remarried Dad Looks Back and AheadAs a dad of four beautiful girls (and a lovely wife – seen below 4-5 months pregnant with our son) affection, and the subsequent display, has never been a question inour household. There’s lots of “loves” (as we call them) to go around for everybody. Snuggles, hugs, and kisses abound.  But now I suddenly find myself …
Continue reading A Question of AffectionJust like a proud papa, we are over-joyed to announce a new member to the Dad-O-Matic family! Please welcome the one and only, Gary Vaynerchuk from WineLibrary TV! He’s not only a successful business owner in the wine industry and wildly popular in the social media arena, but he’s also a successful author of a …
Continue reading New Addition to the Dad-O-Matic Family: Gary Vaynerchuk!If you are a parent, you should have no trouble looking for things to be thankful for this holiday season. Â You need look no further than your children. While parenthood is full of stress, challenges and worries, it is also rich with rewards. Â Yet, with all the hustle and bustle of a home full of …
Continue reading Ten Reasons To Be Thankful For Your Kids At ThanksgivingAs an astronaut of consciousness I had to raise my son Miles as a lucid dreamer. I started with no particular agenda or expectations when he was about three and a half. That was three years ago. Today Miles is a natural. He thinks about and experiences dreaming in a way I’ve never experienced before. …
Continue reading Teaching My Son to Lucid Dream[podcast][/podcast] In a few weeks, my daughter Lucy will celebrate her first birthday. Last Thanksgiving, we had to skip the traditional two-hour drive home because my wife looked like she was hiding the Great Pumpkin under her shirt. At the risk of sounding like every other dad who’s ever lived, I can’t believe how fast …
Continue reading A First-Year Father’s 13 Things to Be Thankful For (Podcast)I was a 70’s baby. When I was a kid we often played with our favorite Star Wars action figures. Each one stood about 5 inches, yes “stood”. Maybe I’m getting old, but the Star Wars action figures today suck. I remember the GI Joes from the generation before me seemed massive in comparison. The …
Continue reading A rant about new Star Wars action figuresAs the latest mission for the Sony DigiDad Project, we were loaned a Sony VAIO P Series Lifestyle PC mini laptop and told to go record a class trip or some other family outing. My kids are too old for “class trips” and I wanted to do something that actually included the VAIO P, because …
Continue reading The Sony VAIO P-Mercial: Family Fun With VideoIt is November 15. Two weeks ago I introduced you to my hairy situation, having decided to grow a moustache this month in support of Movember and the goal of raising awareness and funds for prostate and testicular cancer research. While overall the Movember movement is doing an awesome job raising funds around he world, …
Continue reading Mid-Movember (Upper) Lip ServiceDad, King of Comedy… Growing up in a highly opinionated, and comedic laden, Latin household you would think that new jokes would present themselves often and we would all, in a sense, “TEST” our new material out on each other in the house but then sometimes you get caught up with your “big hit.” My …
Continue reading Stale Daddy JokesThere is no doubt we live in a digital world. You wouldn’t be reading this blog if we didn’t. As a “Digital Dad” (hat tip to CC Chapman) I have written here before about the impact of text messaging and mobile phones on family life, especially if you have older kids, as I do, who …
Continue reading Digital Tattletales and the Case of the Taken TahiniA couple of tips on what to do with your excess Halloween candy. There are several options. My personal favorite is donating it to the troops.
Continue reading What To Do With Leftover Halloween CandyKidsEatFree offers an extremely useful service that tracks all of the places where kids eat free (hence the name). Parents just enter their zipcode and a list of all those establishments will be generated in seconds. The good news is that you can actually access this service via your mobile device thanks to their new …
Continue reading New Mobile App Helps Parents Track Where KidsEatFree!Today is November 1, and I just had a close shave.  No, I didn’t avoid an accident.  I actually had a close shave… with a razor and some shaving cream, and at least for my upper lip, that will be my last close shave this month.  November is “Movember,” with the “Mo” standing for “Moustache.” …
Continue reading The Gang’s All Hair! Grow A ‘Stache For Charity Cash!I was going to post a story here to share with your kids, but I posted the only kid’s story II have had published that is scary last year…in case you missed that you can find Cat Candles Here: CAT CANDLES If you are in the mood to have someone tell you a story… I …
Continue reading This One is for the Dads … Two storiesSince tomorrow is Halloween, and it’s a Saturday, a lot of you will be carving your pumpkins. Please, don’t carve a boring one. We’re Dad-o-matic dads. We don’t carve boring pumpkins. You may think it is difficult to carve a cool pumpkin, but it’s not. Like most things, all you need are the right set …
Continue reading Stop Carving Boring PumpkinsThis is my daughter’s third Halloween. Every year, she is a tiger. She is a tiger because we live in Memphis, TN and the mascot for the University of Memphis is a tiger. You might ask yourself what that has to do with my daughter’s Halloween. We recycle, reuse, and re-purpose the costume for multiple …
Continue reading Recycle, Reuse, and Re-purpose Halloween CostumesOne of the best perks of being a parent is raiding your kids’ Halloween candy when they are asleep. Of course, my daughter is only eleven months old, so I am still in the unenviable position of actually having to buy candy. What a drag. The only thing worse than having to buy your own …
Continue reading The Top 5 Worst Halloween Treats EverLife’s Third Rule by Dad-o-Matic author Joe Hage.
Continue reading Dad’s Life Lessons: Rule #3Kids’ costumes in modern times have gone from sickly sweet to just plain sick. A walk down the dripping, splattered, fake-blood-soaked Halloween aisle of your favorite drugstore proves a point last heard in 2000: Gore wins the popular vote.
When I went online to find my kids costumes, I found life-like swords and machetes, clear masks that filled up with blood, and a variety of disembodied heads and severed limbs. I saw a “zombie doctor” costume with “PVC rotting chest, pants with rotted knee, zombie mask, surgical mask, surgical cap and latex gloves” that came in size 4-6!
Continue reading Why Are So Many Kids Halloween Costumes So Inappropriate?I’ve been traveling a lot. It’s not easy on my family, but they all know that the goal is good enough to support. Today, I had 20 minutes with my boy before jumping in the car to go to yet another event. Here’s what I did with the time: If you can’t see the video …
Continue reading Finding Daddy TimeTimes have certainly changed. My wife and I struggle with how to give our kids the same kind of Halloween we experienced as kids. The Halloween of our childhood has sadly passed us by. Instead, the mall offers trick or treating, we cart the kids around to relatives houses, and we keep some candy in …
Continue reading Trick or Trunk?Image via Wikipedia The adventures of Max and his wild, woolly friends has always been a favorite of mine. The unique visual style of Maurice Sendak‘s images mesmerized me as a child, and again as I frequently read WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE to my own kids, living vicariously through them my own fond memories …
Continue reading Where The Wild Things Are (Or Aren’t)photo credit: mahalie via flickr Hi, my name is Buck and I don’t have parent guilt. I probably should start from the beginning. I travel for my work rarely. I have started going to conferences for blogging and social media. I want to be a better blogger. I have attended a couple locally. I have …
Continue reading Traveling Dad Doesn’t Have Guilt“Words, words, words.” – William Shakespeare (HAMLET) I love words. I love to read and write. I was an English Major in college. Thus, as a word loving self proclaimed gadget geek it should be no surprise that I have been an eBook aficionado for nearly a decade. I started buying and reading eBooks on …
Continue reading The Sony Reader: Black and White and Shades of Dorian GrayThanks to the pandemic spread of Swine Flu, we’re dealing with an especially scary flu season at home and at work. While we’re all familiar with the basics of how to reduce our risks of exposure to germs that lead to getting sick, there are still plenty of things we can do to help make …
Continue reading How to Protect Yourself from Germs at Home and at WorkHalloween is one of the greatest holidays. Like most holidays, it has its share of commercialism, but it doesn’t come with the obligations, guilt, and travel headaches of Christmas. Dressing up. Getting candy. Having fun. What more could a kid ask for? Unfortunately, a small segment of Adultitis-ridden do-gooders continue their assault on Halloween. It’s …
Continue reading The Scariest Part of Halloween: The Grown-Ups!They say a picture is worth a thousand words, yet as my task for this latest installment in the Sony DigiDad Project I am asked to write about a bunch of pictures.  Such is the life of a SonyDad.  They (who the heck are “they” anyway???) also say that the best camera is the camera …
Continue reading 100 Faces of Fall: A CyberShot In The ArmJoe Hage uses Twitter to capture gems like “I don’t like getting punished and I hate it!”
Continue reading Tweet your kids #4Food, glorious food!  To this day that is one of my favorite songs from the musical “OLIVER.” (Ok, that may be “too much information,” but bear with me, please…)  If you watched the video of my parents in a recent post here as part of the Sony DigiDad Project you may have gleaned that food …
Continue reading Spaghetti Pie & Making Dinner Memorable For Your KidsOne of the differentiators between the American Girl dolls and others has always been their stories.  The dolls, from Kaya the Native American to Rebecca Rubin, the Jewish immigrant, gives a depth of character to these dolls that separate these toys from the others in any toy aisle. Now, Mattel is tackling the issue of …
Continue reading Meet Gwen Thompson: The $95 Homeless American Girl DollI shot a 5 and a half minute video of my family vacation at Disneyland in California, or rather, just a bit of the vacation. Here’s the clip: My thought when I did this was, “video should be fun, simple, and not exactly a complete capture of every moment of the vacation.” We had two …
Continue reading Making Media on VacationImage via Wikipedia (NOTE: The following article first appeared last September on my personal blog, Sassholes! It was this post about my daughter’s 17th birthday that led to Chris Brogan asking me if I’d like to contribute to Dad-O-Matic. Ever since, I have been honored to share my thoughts and experiences with you here each …
Continue reading From BARBIE to BLACKBERRY!We went to the doctor the other day for my daughter Lucy’s nine-month checkup. It included a smorgasbord of shots. And I got to hold her down. I was pretty nervous on the ride there, and I wasn’t even the one getting the shots. As we were driving, I told Kim that I would rather …
Continue reading Shots and SuperheroesWhen most people think of Dolly Parton they think of her flash Country persona, her anatomy (sorry, but it’s true), her starring in Nine to Five (if you’re as old as me) or her Islands In The Stream song with Kenny Rogers (ah ah!). In Nashville, TN. we often associate Dolly with her Disney-esque theme …
Continue reading Dolly Parton the BOOK LADY!Heritage is a powerful word. In its truest sense it implies all the things we are made of and all the things that make us who we are. Family heritage is deeper than DNA, and thicker than blood. Our heritage is built upon people and personalities, characters and culture, history and hysteria, stories and legends, …
Continue reading A Family Defined (In High Definition)From everything I have seen and heard, being a grandparent is a special thrill.  I am not there yet myself, but as my own kids grow into adulthood I know that eventually “Grandparent” will be another line item on my life resume.  While I cannot address what it is to be a Grandparent, I can …
Continue reading Matriarchs, Patriarchs, And The Grandest Of All Parents…Sunday was National GrandParents Day. It was started in 1978 so this little known holiday has been around for over 30 years. Even though we’re called Dad-O-Matic and focus primarily on dad stuff but we all understand and appreciate the priceless contributions that grandparents make to our families. We also know that, God willing, we …
Continue reading National GrandParents Day!I have never written about my experiences on September 11th. At the time I was working for the Federal Emergency Management Agency in the Urban Search and Rescue Division.  That morning we were watching the events unfold in New York City when we heard the Pentagon was attacked. We could see the thick acrid smoke …
Continue reading Explaining 9/11 to my sonNature and nurture are in a never ending battle to claim the disposition of our children. While it’s true that the apple rarely tumbles too far from the tree, it is also true that there are a multitude of things we as parents can do to safeguard the childhoods of our children, limit their exposure …
Continue reading 7 Secrets to Raising a Happy Child[podcast][/podcast] Summer is winding down, the kids are back in school, and the long, bleak, football hiatus is almost over. If you’re a fantasy football nut, you already know that this is one of the most exciting times of the year. You know the thrill of channeling your inner Jerry Jones in order to take …
Continue reading 7 Ways Fantasy Football Can Make You a Better DadThe circumstances of your life … how much money you have, what you’ve got going on at home … That’s no excuse for not trying.
Continue reading President Obama’s speech to our children … so what’s the controversy all about?Everyone has family secrets…things that all the relatives know, but are better left unsaid outside the family circle. The worse family secrets are the ones we label as the “skeletons in the closet” – the things we truly dread anyone ever finding out about. No Bones About It… Not all family secrets are bad. In …
Continue reading Family Secrets Don’t Have To Embarrass You!I’ve always held onto my boyhood dreams of rocket jet packs and flying cars. I read the old pulp magazines when I could, devoured paperbacks and hardcovers that spoke of journeys to the stars and little green men from mars. I loved the feeling I got when I read the tales that brought dreams and …
Continue reading My Little Girl Builds Rockets…Being a parent is no easy trick. There’s no guidebook or instruction manual (okay, there are plenty on sale, but you can bet none are specific to your own experiences!) and every day is a new adventure. It’s a long-term gig as well, often with no reward and a lot of pain and heartache along …
Continue reading What Blogging Can Teach Us About ParenthoodThe winners of the “I’m a Bus” give-away that was announced in the Buck Daddy book review on 8/10/2009 are as follows: Susan Mayer Debbie Howell Christina Smith Heather Gude Susan Mayer is the grand prize winner of a Back to School kit and the picture book The other three winners will receive a copy …
Continue reading Winners of the “I’m a Bus” Give-awayAs parents, one of our jobs is to prepare our children for the future so we do our best to teach them how to be self-reliant and independent. Unfortunately, we sometimes get so focused on that one particular mission so much that we tend to lose sight of the fact that they are just kids. …
Continue reading Let Them Be LittleMy entire family was blown away by Nelson Mandela’s Favorite African Folktales. I got a copy from the folks at Hachette, and my kids stole it. They wouldn’t let me listen to it by myself. But little did I know, I was going to get to hear it for the next several weeks, every day, …
Continue reading Folktales for the Whole FamilyIt’s not that many times in life you get to share magic on the magnitude of visits from the Tooth Fairy. This week, yesterday and today, as a matter of fact, we were doubly blessed. Katie had two loose teeth, and her obsession began. First she wanted to know what to do. When we told …
Continue reading How To Help the Tooth Fairy & Other MagicThe other day, my wife took the kids to the New England Aquarium. Supposedly, they had fun. They told me about penguins pooping on the rocks, and about the sharks. Officially, the sharks never eat the other fish in the tank. (Here, the woman saying this wiggled her eyebrows.) But what my kids will remember …
Continue reading The Simplest Of PleasuresThe Green Mountain Flyer, a creeper train that putts from St. Johnsbury Vermont into Newport, and back, once a week, was off in the distance about a mile or so. I couldn’t see it yet, but it fired its whistle a few times and, although not really close, it was certainly headed our way. A …
Continue reading Good Girl ShakaBefore I publicly announced on my website that I had attempted suicide at the age of ten, very few people had any idea. Of the people who I told, some met my admission with disbelief, a couple with anger and skepticism and there were one or two who refused to hear me. Granted, they didn’t …
Continue reading Listen To Your KidsI expected all sorts of problems when the day arrived to let go of Katie’s hand and send her off to kindergarten. Today was the fateful day, and — of course — it was easier and harder than expected, as most important parenting moments are. Last night we attended the school orientation. Katie met her …
Continue reading First Day of Kindergarten. Hard on Dad & Mom TooWe want the shirt off your back, well actually we want the story about the shirt on your back. In particular we want the story of your favorite t-shirt, sweatshirt, hoodie… Were you wearing it when your first child was born? Is it an old college favorite that your partner has adopted as sleepwear ? …
Continue reading The Shirt Off Your Back..I spoke to Chris Cuomo from ABC’s Good Morning America recently on behalf of Dad-O-matic. We talked about the Liam McCarty case. He’s the boy that was illegally taken by his mother to Italy, where he is supposedly living in an orphanage as a ward of the state, after his mother, Manuela Antonelli, was ruled …
Continue reading A Father’s Desperate Search for His SonIn this, Joe Hage’s most important Dad-o-Matic entry to date, Joe introduces you to three young victims of sudden cardiac arrest. Only two lived.
Continue reading A new school supply, the AED***Featured on Good Morning America*** Here’s the segment with Chris Cuomo & Alexis Neely Becoming a dad is the ultimate step into adulthood. It simply doesn’t get more real than that, does it? That little face looking up at you makes you realize that life isn’t just about you anymore. Suddenly, you are responsible for …
Continue reading 5 Legal Documents Every Dad Must Know About & How to Make Sure They Don’t FailI’ve always thought of scrapbooking as an old ladies activity.  You know, they spend their hours squirreling away old photos along side strips of cloth, kids drawings, and hand written notes.  The books often end up on coffee tables or sitting on a shelf gathering dust.  This weekend made me realize that’s not the whole …
Continue reading Scrapbooking, not just for little old ladies[podcast][/podcast] Adultitis is a chronic condition that plunders laughter, burns people out, and turns them into zombie-like doo-doo heads. It causes stress — lots of it. Sometimes it seems like stress and parenthood go hand in hand. When my wife and I were expecting our first child, I was amazed at how many people came …
Continue reading Adultitis: Are Kids the Cause or the Cure? (PodCast)For as long as I can remember, Sony has been a premiere consumer electronics brand. I can clearly remember getting my hands on the original, ground-breaking “Sony Walkman” personal cassette player. I can remember my first “color TV’ being a 13” Sony Trinitron, because my grandfather insisted it would last forever… and it practically did. …
Continue reading Sony’s DigiDad Project… Cool Gadgets, No Baloney!I was sick and I didn’t want to get up. In fact, all I wanted was a little love and a lot of sleep. But the love wasn’t coming. Mary had been self-raised in the school of, “I don’t believe in being sick, so I don’t get sick”. To her, my fever was a choice …
Continue reading Making Miracles: A Quick Guide to Shaping Your Kid's RealityYes, I am writing yet another “5 Tips” post. This is unintentionally becoming a series (coming soon: “5 Posts About 5 Tips….”) but let’s face it, “5 Tips” are at least half the work of a “Top 10” list, and almost as satisfying. So, without any further fatherly preamble, here are my… 5 Tips For …
Continue reading 5 Tips For Back To School Basics!Remember Patty Hearst? She was a socialite heiress, captured by the Symbionese Liberation Army, and rapidly brainwashed into becoming a bank robber. What was rarely, if ever, mentioned, is that the techniques used to affect that radical transformation began with her captors establishing themselves in parental roles. The most important question any of us can …
Continue reading What Do You Want – The Most Important Question When Brainwashing Your ChildrenIn the wake of Eunice Shriver’s death I thought I would share a recent debate that has been evolving within the Down syndrome support group my wife and I belong to.  The question is about inclusive sports for children with special needs.  Some people believe organizations like Special Olympics and Challenger Division Little …
Continue reading Your Special Child and SportsOur youngest daughter turned 20 months old a couple days ago. That’s right, parents of babies celebrate birthdays every month. Not balloons, ponies and clowns celebrating, more a self-congratulatory rejoicing that we dodged another month without a domestic accident or ingesting one of daddy’s golf balls. For most parents, this is a day marked by …
Continue reading 600 Days Without Solid SleepWhile teaching a daughter about social graces, a dad realizes that none of us learned them intuitively. We all had to start with the basics, and some of us picked them up faster than others.
Continue reading Up Close & PersonalLife in our little world is about to take major shifts. In only two weeks, Stephanie will be off to college, and Katie will be starting kindergarten. The family dynamic shifts, and every couple of years more kids will hop out of nests and disrupt it further. There was only one answer. We planned a …
Continue reading Those Lazy Hazy Days of Summer